Poll: 61 Percent Believe Crime Is Intensifying in America as Presidential Election Looms

A Uniformed Division Secret Service officer stands guard behind police tape on Pennsylvani
AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

A recent survey found that a majority of U.S. citizens believe crime is intensifying in President Joe Biden’s America as the November election looms.

In its report Wednesday, Newsmax cited a recent Rasmussen Reports survey conducted via telephone and online.

The outlet stated:

Nearly twice as many Republicans (81%) as Democrats (42%) say violent crime is worsening, with 62% of unaffiliated voters saying it is getting worse.

By nearly a 5-to-1 margin, more voters overall say violent crime in America is getting worse (61%) than getting better (13%), while 24% said the crime problem is staying about the same, Rasmussen found.

In addition, 66 percent of Republicans said the issue will be near the top of the list during the upcoming presidential election, and 41 percent of Democrats said the same.

“The latest Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 48% of likely U.S. voters say they trust Republicans more to handle crime and law enforcement issues, while 36% trust Democrats more, with 15% not sure,” the outlet added.

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According to a poll released in November, it appears many voters are leaning toward gun ownership.

Breitbart News reported at the time that a Harvard/Harris poll found “six in ten voters believe owning a gun is a necessary part of protecting themselves from criminals.”

The outlet also noted that a majority of voters believe “woke politicians” are a driving force behind the crime plaguing the nation.

A Breitbart News article from December said, “A Newsweek report built upon an NBC News poll and various interviews suggests that liberal Americans are embracing guns as crime surges in 0ften Democrat-controlled cities throughout America.”

It is also important to highlight that so-called “sanctuary cities” and nearby suburbs are suffering under a crime wave from migrants freed into the country by the Biden administration after they illegally crossed the border, Breitbart News reported on January 31.

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“Police, particularly in the Chicago area and New York City, reported significant increases in crime related to migrants relocated to their cities,” the article said.

Authored by Amy Furr via Breitbart February 15th 2024