Remembering How The Media Tried To Gaslight Us About Biden

Joe Biden stairing into the middle distance at a Juneteenth event last month
Joe Biden stairing into the middle distance at a Juneteenth event last month

Remembering How The Media Gaslit Us About Biden's Senility 

Shortly after Biden's disastrous debate, the media pivoted to concern trolling about his senility. Olivia Nuzzi's article was an illustrative example. 

Her X post about it prompted a reasonable question from many commenters: if you began hearing about this in January, why didn't you publish this in January (or February, etc.)? Her reply was something to the effect of "journalism takes time", but obviously, they had shelved this until the debate exposed that the emperor was wearing no clothes. 

Given the media's pivot, it's worth remembering how hard they worked to obscure Biden's deteriorating mental condition for so long. Drew Holden details that in his X thread below. 

Drew Holden Has The Receipts

About Biden's "Stutter"

Let's pause for a moment to address Biden's alleged stutter. Biden has been in national politics since he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1973. There are endless hours of video of him speaking, and you'd be hard pressed to find any of him stuttering before 10 or 15 years ago. 

Back To Drew Holden's Thread

In Case You Missed It

In our previous post, we wrote about being tactical about Tesla

We're still on track for a 200% gain if Tesla is trading over $205 in January, but today we have trade teed up that can make us a 150% gain if Tesla drops by just a few percent by the end of next week.

If you'd like a heads up when we place it, feel free to subscribe to our trading Substack/occasional email list below. 


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Authored by Portfolio Armor via ZeroHedge July 11th 2024