Report: Weiner Caught Sexting Again; ‘Catfished’ by Republican Man

report weiner caught sexting again catfished by republican man
Richard Drew/AP

Disgraced former Congressman and Democratic rising star, Anthony Weiner, seems to be crying out for attention as details of yet another sexting scandal have emerged.

His wife, Huma Abedin, is immersed in her own scandal involving her dual roles with the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. As Hillary’s closest aide and handler, it’s been a rough time for Huma as many of her emails have been made public. With his wife spending so much time with Hillary, maybe Weiner is just hoping that his sexting aliases Carlos Danger or the newly revealed “the Mongoose” will attract the same attention his wife lavishes on Hillary.

The New York Post is reporting that Weiner got “catfished” by a young Republican guy and in the conversation he told the young man – who was posing as a woman – that he was “deceptively strong … like a mongoose.” After a sexually charged conversation, Weiner gave out his phone number and the young Republican called the press. For someone who has twice derailed his career with sexually explicit conversations over the internet and become a national laughing stock, the New York Post notes how easy it was to engage Weiner.

Anthony Weiner used to be rising star in the Democratic party until he accidentally sent a picture of his junk out to the world on Twitter in 2011 and Andrew Breitbart got a hold of it. He initially tried to claim it was a hacker and then he tried to attack the messenger, but Andrew famously took the podium at his press conference before Weiner could get there. Andrew told the media that he wanted an apology and when Weiner made his public mea culpa, he specifically apologized to Andrew.

Weiner’s sexts became a staple of pop culture and late-night comedians and on June 16, 2011 Weiner resigned from Congress in disgrace. For several years, Weiner laid low as the ridicule slowly faded. In 2013, Weiner launched his comeback with a run for Mayor of New York City where he would ask voters to give him a “second chance.” As part of the comeback, he and Huma did a front-page profile piece in People Magazine designed to finally move past the story of Weiner’s wiener. The cover photo of Weiner and Huma with their infant baby Jordan came with the bold proclamation from Weiner, “I Feel Like A Brand New Person.” That new person had a name that didn’t make it into the People Magazine article: “Carlos Danger.”

Carlos Danger was the super sneaky alias that Weiner had created to keep sexting, even as he and Huma were working on his comeback. Carlos Danger got involved online with an aspiring pornstar named Sydney Leathers and she leaked some of the messages to “The Dirty” who ran an article, “EXCLUSIVE: Anthony Weiner Hasn’t Changed Poor Huma Abedin, New Image of His Penis.”

During his run for mayor, Weiner allowed a camera crew to document the fiasco that ended with him getting less than 5 percent of the primary vote. The video taken during this disastrous run was recently released as a documentary called “Weiner.” Weiner gets a 93 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes and is available for about ten bucks online.

Like her boss Hillary, Abedin hasn’t abandoned her husband even after several sexual scandals. Huma’s got Hillary instead to keep her end of the “power couple” bargain – but even Hillary’s got to be asking, what’s this guy doing to make us more powerful?

Dustin Stockton

Authored by Dustin Stockton via Breitbart August 16th 2016