Ringing in A New Chapter At The Daily Bell

Dear Reader,

My name is Mark Jeftovic, the new publisher of The Daily Bell.

This site has been through a lot of iterations, publishers and editors – and today continues with another one. Sort of like “Dr Who”, except instead of injecting avatars of post-modern intersectional agitprop, we’re forging ahead, continuing to push a message of self-sovereignty, freedom and liberty.

When Anthony Wile passed the torch on this site  around 2015, he said,

“Today, nothing from the mass media reaches me without passing through the lens of libertarian principles: freedom works, and freedom is just.

I wouldn’t have bothered with The Daily Bell if I hadn’t found myself being confronted by exactly the opposite principles in newspapers, magazines, television, movies and all the other modern tools for shaping public opinion.

No, I never turned on CNN or picked up the International Herald Tribune to be told that “Science Discovers Freedom Is Bad.” It was never that explicit, but it was always there, most often couched in terms of a grave, humanity-threatening problem solvable only by international experts equipped with plenty of money from you and also with unaccountable authority over you.”

Well, things have deteriorated to the point where the corporate press is explicitly telling you “Freedom is bad”.

Now, The Daily Bell seems to have boomeranged back to Canada of all places – where the mainstream media has led the masses of lumpen-viewers on a chorus of “freedumb” while attempting to spin a narrative that conflated desiring freedom with far right extremism.

(I refer you, dear reader, to an earlier post of mine via Bombthrower.com, “What does Far-Right Even Mean Anymore, Anyway?”)

ringing in a new chapter at the daily bell

As I write this today, in particular – it is Juneteenth – which marks the day chattel slavery was abolished in the US (in the states that had it, anyway). As The Mises Institute’s Connor O’Keefe observes in “The Problem With Juneteenth” – this day should be a celebration of self-ownership, but it’s meaning has been imparted with progressive values from the outset.

“most of the rhetoric we see from those promoting Juneteenth sidesteps the actual issue of slavery. They do so because adherents of modern progressivism do not actually believe in self-ownership, the antithesis of slavery.”

Self-ownership is anathema to progressivism – which is paternal and condescending to those they would “save” while leaning into collectivism and conformity for everybody else.

This why any form of thinking for oneself is a problem for the collective, woke mob.

It’s why any form of self-improvement – from taking personal responsibility to physical fitness is “far right”.

It’s why atheism is encouraged – because traditional religious, spiritual or contemplative practices are uniquely personalized expressions of how our own souls seek their place within the larger reality we find ourselves in.

“Doing your own research” is for incels on 4chan, and if you don’t “Follow The Science”™ then you may as well be in a cult.


As an expat Venezuelan whom I was on a call with yesterday put it, in a progressive, collectivist society, “What gets incentivized is mediocrity”.

He is now in the process of leaving Canada by June 24th – the day the new capital gains and exit tax regime kicks in, to the delight of the rabble who see this as “the rich getting their due”.

He’s moving his family to the Cayman Islands.

“I’ve seen this movie before”.

While Canada is still a long way off from being Venezuela – (the proles aren’t eating the zoo animals, yet) – he told me “all the pieces are in place”. 

We have federal ministers declaring themselves to be “proud socialists” on the floor of the House of Commons, while federal departments publish official reports equating capitalism with white supremacy and explicitly calling for collectivism.

My friend, Dr. Kristian Niemtiez once wrote a book “Socialism: The Failed Idea Never Dies”, unfortunately it seems the fate of civilizations to not learn that lesson without trying it for themselves.

So welcome to the New Daily Bell, now back in Canada – but pushing the values of freedom, liberty and the Sovereign Individual where it’s needed the most, which isn’t actually Canada, it’s everywhere.

You can help with this mission by forwarding this to a like minded friend or colleague and encouraging them them to subscribe to The Daily Bell mailing list – because even though I run a web hosting company and don’t need to worry about getting deplatformed there, the Daily Bell Facebook and Twitter feeds look to be an uphill battle of shadowbans.

We’ll do what we can there.

I’d like to thank Joe Jarvis for keeping TDB going these past few years and passing the torch smoothly – you can expect to hear more from him in these pages over the next while as he embarks on his new adventure (I’ll let him explain it).

At this point I’ll also introduce Matt Morgan as editor-in-chief. You’ll be hearing from Matt more often but we are both easily accessible (usually all you have to do is hit “reply” to one of our emails).


Mark E. Jeftovic
Publisher, Bombthrower Media
Bombthrower.com | Dollarcollapse.com | TheBitcoinCapitalist.com | TheDailyBell.com

Authored by Tdb via The Daily Bell June 19th 2024