Savings Rate Plunges As Spending Soars; Inflation Slows As Govt Wage Growth Nears Record High

One of The Fed's favorite inflation indicators - Core PCE Deflator - slowed to 3.7% YoY in September (its lowest since May 2021). Headline PCE was flat at 3.4% YoY. Both were in line with expectations...

savings rate plunges as spending soars inflation slows as govt wage growth nears record high

Source: Bloomberg

However, while the YoY data slowed, Core PCE rose by 0.3% MoM - the biggest MoM jump in four months.

Services inflation excluding housing and energy accelerated to 0.4%, from 0.1% in the prior month.

savings rate plunges as spending soars inflation slows as govt wage growth nears record high

The overall PCE price index, meanwhile, rose 0.4%, bolstered by higher energy prices.

Even more focused, is the Fed's view on Services inflation ex-Shelter, and the PCE-equivalent shows that it is slowing/trending lower but very much still stuck at high levels (and rose a large 0.4% MoM)...

savings rate plunges as spending soars inflation slows as govt wage growth nears record high

Personal Consumption soared 0.7% MoM while incomes grew at only 0.3% MoM...

savings rate plunges as spending soars inflation slows as govt wage growth nears record high

Source: Bloomberg

Focusing on the income side alone, private workers wages plunged to 3.9%, down from 4.5% and the lowest since Feb 2021.

So where is the offset to hot wages you may ask? Why government workers: wages of govt workers are up 7.8% YoY vs 7.4% in August and approaching the record high of 8.7% in Oct 2021

savings rate plunges as spending soars inflation slows as govt wage growth nears record high


All of which means the personal savings rate collapsed even further, from 4.0% to 3.4% of DPI...

savings rate plunges as spending soars inflation slows as govt wage growth nears record high

Source: Bloomberg

The savings rate is down 4 straight months, back near record lows... AND this is after artificial revisions that artificially boosted the savings rate 3 times in the past year (see above chart)

savings rate plunges as spending soars inflation slows as govt wage growth nears record high

Bidenomics, hard at work.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge October 27th 2023