Scalise’s return to House portends another Mayorkas impeachment vote

Scalise's return to House portends another Mayorkas impeachment vote

Feb. 8 (UPI) — House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., is scheduled to return to Washington, D.C., next week following treatment for blood cancer, his office announced Thursday.

Scalise could provide a crucial vote in another attempt to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayokras.

Scalise’s office announced that he is in “complete remission, has been medically cleared to resume travel” and “will be returning to Washington next week for votes.”

The first attempt to impeach Mayorkas failed 214-216. Scalise’s vote and one other would be needed for it to pass. It would likely be Rep. Blake Moore, R-Utah, who flipped his vote from yes to no the first time around. It was a procedural step that allowed the GOP to resurrect the impeachment articles for another vote.

Even if the House has the votes, Mayorkas stands little chance of being impeached while Democrats, who have stood firmly behind the DHS secretary, control the Senate.

The House Homeland Security Committee’s articles of impeachment accuse Mayorkas of a “willful and systematic refusal” to comply with immigration laws and a breach of public trust.

Democrats have said that Republicans are arguing over policy differences and have not provided evidence that meet the standard of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Republicans have been critical of Mayorkas’ handling of border security and have largely blamed him for what they call an “invasion” of undocumented immigrants at the U.S. Mexico border.

Mayorkas has said the United State’s “zero-tolerance” policy, which effectively means not a single immigrant is allowed to enter the U.S. without violating that policy, is largely unenforceable.

Authored by Upi via Breitbart February 8th 2024