Schadenfreude: Juicy Scenes of Liberal Cope as TDS Makes Historic Comeback

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

The 2016 election night meltdowns are the stuff of legend. The tears flowed like wine as liberal realized their glass ceiling remained elusive.

It was pornographic, almost.

Enjoying emotional breakdowns from pantsuit authoritarians almost to the point of sexual gratification is probably petty in a world with such real and pressing problems.

Guilty as charged.

Liberal, middle-class, Western white women make up literally the most entitled, pampered demographic in the entire world. They’re all about tolerance and diversity and namaste and whatever — until you don’t act exactly the way they demand.

Then the veneer of liberal lovingness rubs off and suddenly you’re a fascist who needs Daddy government sicced on him.

Here’s what the TikTok libs are up to now.

·       Bimbo shaves head in protest of the Patriarchy™ and “internalized misogyny.” She was none too attractive to begin with, but she didn’t do herself many favors. 

·       No more marriage for men — any men whatsoever — says TDS lady. She clearly has very high self-esteem to think that withholding her hand in marriage is going to put a dent in politics.

·       Progressive nose-ring lady sees another woman on way to pharmacy to get drugs she needs to cope, immediately struck by mutual feminine grief via telepathy.

·       Liberal influencer pledges to leave United States, offers advice to TDS comrades. They did this in 2016 too, but I don’t think many of them ever followed through. Which is a great thing — please don’t bring your bullshit to the Third World.

·       Another nose-ring girl wants to know how Karamel-uh lost, blames misogyny

·       Morally superior Kamala Harris supporter refuses to give elderly parents any more rides to dentist because they voted for Trump

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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Authored by Armageddon Prose via ZeroHedge November 7th 2024