Hannity calls the appointment a 'sham from the get-go'
Sean Hannity: The Biden DOJ's new, pathetic sleight of hand
Fox News host Sean Hannity reacts to the Department of Justice naming David Weiss as special counsel in the Hunter Biden probe in his opening monologue.
Fox News host Sean Hannity reacts to the Department of Justice naming David Weiss as special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation, calling it a new strategy to protect President Joe Biden.
SEAN HANNITY: We begin with a ton of breaking news from the swamp all day in Washington. A pathetic new sleight of hand from Biden's clearly weaponized and politicized DOJ as evidence of corruption against Joe Biden grows with each passing day. Today, earlier, the attorney general, Merrick Garland, just rolled out a new strategy to help shield the big guy in the entire Biden family operation, but especially Joe Biden, because today he announced the appointment of a special counsel to investigate possible Hunter Biden crimes. But, of course, he made no mention of President Joe Biden. Instead of appointing someone from outside of the government to lead this investigation, as by law, by the way, as recommended under Regulation 28 C.F.R. 600.3., thanks to Gregg Jarrett… Merrick Garland waved his magic wand and he just promoted David Weiss.
That is the same federal prosecutor, the one who has been slow walking the criminal probe into Hunter Biden for several years. He's the guy that allowed the statute of limitations to expire on multiple major felonies before, of course, then trying to put together that sweetheart, you know, little deal with Hunter, no jail time and tie it up with a neat little bow and, you know, cover it all up, a sweetheart deal that no one else would get. That, of course, rejected by the federal judge who thankfully in Delaware, actually read the fine print in this.
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