SEAN HANNITY: Biden is a liar, not to be trusted

Former President Trump called Biden's Transgender Visibility Day proclamation on Easter 'appalling'

Sean Hannity: ‘Joe Biden has been a failure’

Fox News host Sean Hannity explains why the 2024 election will be the ‘tipping point’ for the U.S. after four years of President Biden.

Fox News host Sean Hannity breaks down President Biden’s "hostility toward religion" over Easter weekend Monday on "Hannity."


SEAN HANNITY: Tonight, as Joe Biden continues to deteriorate now right before your eyes, one thing does remain constant. The president is – well, no other way to put it – he is a liar. He is not to be trusted, ever. We will explain. And we have highlights of his most recent and frankly, most egregious lies about the border, about his son. Now he's blaming the nationwide crime wave that he created, of course, on Donald Trump. 

Now, yesterday, when millions of Americans were celebrating Easter, which is the holiest holiday in all of Christianity, well the White House, they were busy promoting another celebration. Frankly, one they kind of made up on Easter Sunday. 

Self-proclaimed devout Catholic, your president, Joe Biden, posted that message right there: "Today on Transgender Day of Visibility. I have a simple message to all trans Americans. I see you and you are made in the image of God, and you are worthy of respect and of dignity." 

Now, the celebratory message followed an official Biden White House proclamation: "I, Joseph R. Biden Jr." – by the way, not the alias he used to use in emails – " President of the United States of America do hereby proclaim March 31st, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue." 

Easter has now been replaced or at the very least, is now forced to share a day with a new holiday that the administration clearly prefers. Transgender Day of Visibility on the holiest Christian holiday. Now, the Trump campaign called the move appalling, blasphemous. Other Americans, they were equally outraged. But when the president was harshly criticized for the move, well, he turned to his favorite tactic of all. He flat-out lied. 

When asked about his trans holiday proclamation, Biden told the press pool, "I didn't do that." Maybe he just didn't remember. In reality, Biden did do that in writing and then reminded everyone with a celebratory post on X and other social media platforms, like the one right there on your screen. Now, the White House did avoid any posting of anything that day in its Spanish language accounts, and what appears to be, to some, a blatant attempt to hide the day from traditional Catholic Hispanic voters where he's bleeding a lot of support.

This article was written by Fox News staff.

Authored by Fox News Staff via FoxNews April 1st 2024