SEAN HANNITY: Biden looks like he's 'trying to buy votes with your money'

Biden again prepares to roll out a sweeping student loan forgiveness plan

Hannity: Biden is defying the Supreme Court's ruling on student loan debt elimination

Fox News host Sean Hannity sounds off on President Biden's overtures to younger voters and 'The Rock's' refusal to endorse the incumbent on 'Hannity.'

Fox News host Sean Hannity breaks down President Biden's "goody bag" of taxpayer-funded treats for swing-state and youth voters, later adding that historian Victor Davis Hanson's list of "11 ways Biden and his handlers are hell-bent on destroying America" is spot-on.

SEAN HANNITY: We begin with the president himself tonight, Joe Biden. Well, to be frank, he's the single worst president in modern history. Anything that can go wrong has gone wrong, and yet he wants to be re-elected, but he can't even run on any accomplishment. Think in your own mind, what has he done that you could say, "Joe, you did a really good job here," because I can't think of any. 


Now, he also can't run on his personality and his charm because he's so cognitively impaired and has always been, you know, that "Creepy Joe" guy. Remember him? I don't run the videos because it's that sleazy, but instead, Joe is trying to win votes with cheap political ploys, fearmongering, lying, demagoguery and of course, he is more than willing to grease the wheels with your money. 

Now, Axios is calling it Biden's 2024 "goody bag." The president's "infrastructure and clean-energy bills are pumping some $250 billion into Republican and swing states." Now, the report says that the cash will "give him a chance to win voters town-by-town, trip-by-trip."

In other words, Joe looks like he's trying to buy votes with your money, all while dumping a massive amount of money into an economy already suffering from record-setting inflation, unprecedented debt and deficits. 

Now he's doing the same thing with younger people by defying the Supreme Court of this country and handing out billions and billions in student loan forgiveness. Maybe that will help him with, you know, younger voters that have been leaving him in droves. 

Now, Biden always has been and remains a shady career politician. He will use every trick in the book to win an election. Now, of course, that does include pandering. 

Now, according to Joe, he was raised in the African-American community by people from Puerto Rico, from Italy, who were Jewish and Irish and Polish, and as of yesterday, he's now also Greek. 

This article was written by Fox News staff.

Authored by Fox News Staff via FoxNews April 5th 2024