SEAN HANNITY: Supreme Court delivered a major victory for fairness in college admissions

Affirmative action was struck down in a 6 to 3 decision

Fox News host Sean Hannity gave his take on the Supreme Court shooting down affirmative action in the college admissions process on "Hannity." 

SEAN HANNITY: Today the U.S. Supreme Court delivered what is a major victory for fairness in college admissions and that entire process. 6-3 decision, the court struck down affirmative action, ruling that the use of race as a factor in college admissions is unconstitutional. 



According to a recent survey conducted by Pew Research, well, only 33% of Americans approve of colleges giving consideration to race and ethnicity during admissions, while just 20% of respondents said affirmative action makes the college admissions process more fair and according to a new CBS News poll conducted earlier in June, 70% of Americans agree with today's ruling that the U.S. Supreme Court should not allow colleges to consider race in admissions. Now, while many on the left spent the day whining, complaining, crying and screaming and yelling and using lots of hyperbole, many Republicans actually celebrated what was a victory for equity in college admissions and frankly, for our Constitution.  

President Trump reacted on Truth Social today, calling it a great day for America. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis tweeted that the Supreme Court correctly upheld the Constitution with the decision. So, let me be clear. This is a major victory for fairness in college admissions and the process of college admissions and that is admitting somebody on their race is not only by definition, a racist policy 

You're institutionalizing discrimination, creating what is a blatantly unfair disadvantage for millions of hardworking students all across the country and today's decision that should put an end to that. Although watch for Harvard to walk in and around and try and squirrel around the new decision. 

Authored by Fox News Staff via FoxNews June 29th 2023