Senator Hawley Challenges Boeing CEO's Refusal to Be Accountable for Tragic Safety Record

US Senator Hawley grills Boeing CEO on Boeing's horrific safety record

click the above image to listen to Boeing's US Congressional testimony


In the above video, you can listen to some of the back and forth between Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun and US Senator Josh Hawley, in which Hawley mocks Calhoun when Calhoun says he is “proud” of Boeing’s safety record that includes crashes that killed 394 passengers, pilots and crew, in addition to numerous other accidents, including landing wheels failing to deploy, emergency doors blowing off the plane in mid-flight and engines catching on fire, all under his watch since 2020. However, if we inspect Boeing’s horrific safety record just during the 2000s (without including all the fatalities involving Boeing jets in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s), this is what we find. Three thousand, one hundred and thirty-one (3,131) people have died in accidents and crashes involving Boeing jets with numerous more injured and hospitalized (Source: Wikipedia).  It is wild that with a putrid safety record like this for its product, Calhoun can testify in US Congress with a straight face that he is “proud” of Boeing’s horrific safety record.

More importantly, we can use Boeing CEO Calhoun’s refusal to accept any accountability for his company’s deplorable safety record as a metaphor for what is wrong with so many other critical arenas of life today, including the arenas of finance and healthcare as well. This article is a companion piece to one I published on my newsletter platform a couple of days prior, in which I spoke of the fierce delusions about many bloated US stock prices at the current time. In that article, I concluded that delusional investors that have mistaken luck for skill during this latest wave higher in US stock prices will be punished severely for their delusion before this year is out. Just because Roaring Kitty’s minions delusionally believed that Kitty’s return would rapidly drive the GME stock price back up to triple digits did not make it so. Instead, GME’s share price has rapidly collapsed from an after-market price not too many days ago of $64 to under $24 a share at the present time.


massive amounts of out of the money GME call options set to expire at end of June 2024


The truth of the matter is that I do not need a US Senator, nor should you, given Boeing’s “safety” track record above, to inform you that anyone that values their life should reconsider ever flying on a Boeing jet again until Boeing management can prove to us that they have changed their corporate philosophy to emphasize customer safety over profits from their current philosophy of emphasizing profits over customer safety. Due to my awareness of Boeing's cover ups of massive safety issues with its Max 737 jet as well as other product lines in prior years, it’s already been a few years since I’ve deliberately and consciously made the decision to never take a flight on a Boeing jet. On the many business flights I’ve taken in the past few years that included trans-Pacific flights between the Americas and Asia and many more flights to at least four different nations on the Asian continent, I have not flown on a Boeing jet once. Honestly, on some occasions, since the only direct flights between my departure city and my destination city were via Boeing jets, this necessitated a decision, on my behalf, to pay greater amounts of money for flights that were up to five hours longer due to layovers, just to fly on an Airbus jet. And I’ve willingly done this up to half a dozen times over the past few years simply to avoid flying on a Boeing jet. While the Boeing flights may have been cheaper and quicker than alternate flights I had to take to secure a flight on an Airbus jet, no amount of money or time saved can replace peace of mind and safety, in my opinion, when one is cruising the friendly skies 30,000 feet above planet Earth.


horrifying photo of Alaska Airlines Boeing jet in which a door was blown off in mid flight


It's hard to understand that people actually laughed at me years ago when I told them I would no longer ever be flying on a flight that utilized a Boeing jet, but then again, when the majority of people access their information from a lying mass media owned by establishment Gatekeepers that perpetually label truth as misinformation and conspiracy theories, and vice versa, about almost all matters of importance, it’s not difficult to understand why the majority of people in our world have lost the capacity to intellectually think for themselves and to make the right decisions about their health, safety and financial well-being. Just watch this interaction between US Representative Jim Jordan and Dr. Rochelle Walensky of the US Centers of Disease Control from a year ago to understand how many times Dr. Walensky deliberately and knowingly lied to the American public about the co-(vid) virus and the efficacy of big pharma drugs rolled out to “cure” the virus. Note that when US Representative Jordan confronts Dr. Walensky about multiple lies she told in conflict with known data at the time and asks her to state if her public statements were the truth, Dr. Walensky answers every time, “it was generally accurate” and “it was generally true”, which are simply euphemisms for admissions of guilt and lies. A scientific claim is either accurate or inaccurate, and truthful or untruthful. A scientific claim can never be “generally” accurate or "generally" truthful as Dr. Walensky wants us to believe. A scientific claim, by nature must be truthful, a lie, or an unknown. But Dr. Walensky never presented claims reviewed by Representative Jordan as unknowns. She always presented already known lies as truths, and even had the audacity to lie again to Representative Jordan’s face when she falsely claimed that the information she dispensed was the best known information available at the time.

Again, I don’t want to rehash the available information that exposes Walensky’s claims from a year ago as completely disingenuous, because I’ve already published articles on my substack newsletter that revealed numerous of her past claims to be 100% lies. All information necessary to refute her lies on the very dates she vomited them to the public already firmly existed. I will always have zero respect for anyone that tells deliberate lies that potentially hurt billions of people, and when caught in the lies, does not even have the integrity to take responsibility and accountability for the lies he or she told.


The Great Deception

The Great Deception is not just a trend that holds true at Boeing and in national healthcare establishments. It holds true across the board in almost every important societal pillar, including even finance, money and investing. Remember when billionaire Mark Cuban promoted cryptocurrency platform Voyager “as close to risk-free as you’re going to get”, right before it collapsed and $5 billion of customer funds disappeared? In the world of finance influencers, due to the brave new world of the Great Deception that has been ushered into every aspect of our lives, the more income a finance influencer makes from paying subscribers, the less trustworthy and more financial propaganda that person is likely to distribute on his or her platform.

Of all the people in finance that I respect as truth tellers, I know not of a single one that ranks in the top ten of income earners from running financial/investment platforms. I’ve interviewed one already on my substack platform and hope to interview others (i.e. Catherine Austin-Fitts, etc.) in the future. Almost all the top finance influencers (in terms of income earnings) are to my knowledge, grifters that will try to convince you to hand over the last $1,000 in your savings account to them (as seen in this video), even if this means the people they are scamming will have no savings left to buy food or gifts for their children for Christmas. Allow me to save you from handing over $1,000 to grifters like that. Merely buy physical gold and silver during the last week of this month and you’ll make more returns on that $1,000 than will ever be possible by handing your money over to top finance influencers.



It’s not difficult to understand that anytime a member of the establishment tells us anything, our first reaction should be one of skepticism and of seeking outside knowledge to inform us if the things we are being told are true or lies dressed up as truth. My goal of writing this article is to get people that have always accepted establishment narratives as truth to understand that very rarely are establishment narratives spread through mass media truthful, and to recognize the great harm they could inflict upon themselves physically, spiritually and financially if they proceed through life without ever questioning the integrity and truthfulness of these lies that will continue to be spread, especially as the Ruling Class increasingly utilizes AI algorithms to bury truth about all matters that speak truth to power online.

Furthermore, the greatest deception being run by the Great Deceivers on all of us is that all technology is good for us and that anyone that argues against the manner in which they want to use certain technologies like biometrics and digital currencies to subjugate and track us all is always the same:

"You’re too old to understand the benefits of this technology that we are telling you to blindly trust with your life and freedom".

We’ve heard this argument from some of the largest proponents of rapid adoption of biometrics around the world to make our lives more “convenient” while they stomp out all valid criticisms of its ability to be used by those implementing it to censor all people with integrity that push back against its implementation. We’ve heard this argument against anyone that dare offer valid criticisms of BTC. And we’ve heard this argument against anyone that pushes back against nations that are moving their citizens to a cashless society.

So, anytime you hear the “you’re too old to understand” argument about any technological “advancement”, understand that this response is an argument deployed by the intellectually challenged as it is an ad hominem attack that never addresses the valid concerns of people in an intellectual manner. Amongst critical thinkers, with age comes wisdom. So, I don’t mind if people accuse me of being old. I stand guilty of that accusation, but that accusation also provides me with the wisdom that many of the younger generation lacks to understand the dangers of technologies being falsely sold to us today as benevolent and life improving that will be used to subjugate us tomorrow. Ultimately, when there is a realistic possibility that the Establishment’s push for certain “advancements” in technology, despite the marketing of such technology as increasing convenience and efficiency in our day-to-day lives, will be used for malevolent and not benevolent purposes, then it is incumbent upon us all that we implement enough checks and balances against those that wield control over such technologies to ensure that it can never be used for malevolent purposes against us. And until we do, then none among us should ever accept mass implementation of such technologies, just as none among us should ever accept another experimental drug being forced upon us until multi-year time trials have proven their efficacy and safety beyond any reasonable doubt.

Disturbingly, 26-year old Swedish citizen Louise Henrikkson told a UK Guardian journalist a few years ago, when queried about her opinions about the movement of her nation to a cashless nation, the following: “I don’t care if I am financially enslaved for my entire life and money will be used as a weapon to get me to behave exactly how those in power wish for me to behave, because if I don’t, I understand my access to all my money will simply be blocked electronically.”  If this is the attitude of most people of her generation when it comes to financial tyranny being forced upon us, then we are in big, big trouble. If we voluntarily surrender to sweeping digital currency laws meant to permanently strip us of our financial freedom, then we, and every subsequent generation, will face a bleak future. Instead, I would much rather choose to stand on that hill, never yield a further centimeter from the point that marks the financial enslavement of humanity, and die fighting for my freedom.

More about this topic this week at my substack newsletter. Subscribe to join my growing community over there.


About the Author: J.Kim is the Founder and CEO of Tomii Academy, a recently launched 20-course online Academy that dispenses applied finance and investment knowledge, in direct antithesis to graduate level MBA and PhD programs that focus on theory that is inapplicable to building wealth in the real world. If you enjoy reading articles like this, please consider supporting him by becoming a paid subscriber of his Building Wealth with Tomii Academy substack newsletter here. Mr. Kim has used the knowledge provided in his 20 Tomii Academy courses of his online Academy to deliver yields in 2022 to his patrons that would have ranked his patreon open portfolio as the fourth best hedge fund in the world if it had been a hedge fund. Furthermore, from the end of 2021 to May 2024, he returned yields to his patrons that were nearly a 7X multiple of the yields returned by the benchmark US S&P 500 index over the same investment period. 

Due to demand, Mr. Kim just opened up 33 new slots for his patreon membership, which you may learn more about by clicking the link. Click here to download fact sheets and read the FAQs about his just launched Tomii Academy.

Authored by Skwealthacademy via ZeroHedge June 23rd 2024