'I gotta move somewhere else, these girls are ENTITLED,' the single man said
Girl gets enraged after man asks to go 50/50: 'I can't believe you made me split the bill'
A single man in Miami enraged his Tinder date after he asked to split the bill. He said feminism was to blame in an interview with Fox News Digital.
A single man searching for love in Miami is confused.
On the one hand, he received a barrage of criticism online for asking to split the bill on a first date with a girl he met on Tinder, an online dating app. On the other hand, he thinks – with modern-day feminism strongly in place in 2024 – women want equality and all that comes with it.
The single man, who goes by "Water Boy" (@TheWaterBoy) on TikTok, posted a video recording of the date on TikTok. Users posting retellings of their bad dates are commonplace on the platform. The video went viral and featured heated debate, leading it to amass 6 million views.
The single man took out the girl after talking for a few days on Tinder. She had ordered an appetizer that he did not touch and didn't want. When he asked to split the bill, the girl was infuriated.
In her view, he had asked her out and therefore, it was his responsibility. The date ended with the girl slamming the car door and ignoring the man after they bickered in the car. In his view, the date itself went well. They were laughing, conversation flowed, and it wasn't "awkward." He views women refusing to pay as "entitled" since he believes women are all about feminism and equality until it comes to things they don't want to do – like paying for their half.
A man on TikTok recorded his date complaining about having to split the bill. (TikTok/screenshot | @TheWaterBoy)
The video's caption said, "I don't even know her and she wanted to split the bill? After SHE ordered an appetizer that I didn't want! THIS is what it's like dating in MIAMI smh (shaking my head). I gotta move somewhere else, these girls are ENTITLED."
"Why are we splitting the bill?" the girl asked.
"Well, it's our first date, so I thought we should maybe…"
"I can't believe you made us split the bill," she said when they got to the car.
"I mean… You ordered an appetizer that I didn't even touch. Why do you think that I should…?"
The girl replied, "Okay. But you asked me out."
"All right, I'll just take you home," the single man said.
Then, when he was dropping her off, he said, "See you."
The girl ignored him so he responded, "Hello?"
She said, "Bye!"
The comments that came in were brutal, with many users noting that they believed the man was in the wrong.
"You ask her out bro, you pay," a comment with 34,000 likes said.
Others noted that if the guy is not paying it's like "two friends going out to eat."
"If you want to be friends only just tell her that," another comment with 8,000 likes said.
Others said the man should just quit the dating scene. "Bruh, don't ever date," a comment with 10,200 likes said.
Other comments cheered the girl for being a "queen" at the way she handled the situation.
"She's nice for even conversing with you after," a comment with 6,000 likes said.
"The fact that he tried to argue about the appetizer speaks volumes."
After getting hit with all the criticism, the single man shared more about his side of the story. His point of view was that women aren't acting like women anymore – so why should men have to embrace the traditional gender roles assigned to them? The girls he's dated don't want to take care of kids, cook for their husbands and aren't "nurturing." Therefore, he shouldn't be expected to act like it's the 1950s.
"Women are only feminists until it comes to certain things that they don't want to do," he said in an interview with Fox News Digital. "Everybody's a feminist until it's time to split the bill."
The users on TikTok explained that it was because he asked the girl out, thus he should pay. But the single man said that "we both want to be here equally," therefore they should equally pay.
"I personally don't agree. And to me, it's a form of entitlement."
A single man in Miami said that feminism has confused the dating world. He's not sure why it's a big deal for him not to pay for a date. (Fox News Digital)
"It's 2024. Women are very independent. [They often say], 'I don't need no man. I can take care of myself. I can do this, this, this.' And so, OK, fine, fair. You don't need no man. Whatever. So pay your half. Wouldn't that make sense?" he said.
After embracing feminism, "Women now are not the same," he said. "They don't want to clean. And now and on top of that they want support financially."
He continued, "So now that the man is taking care of all of these things, what exactly do you offer me besides being a pretty face, besides being, 'Oh, she's hot, she's bad, she's got a nice body. Whatever. What can you offer me? And so that's basically where I'm at nowadays."
"I've seen a lot of women mad about paying the bill. You guys don't understand. This is not back in the day where women are the prize anymore. You guys don't understand that yet," he said in a video on TikTok responding to the criticism. "Meanwhile, in my opinion, the date went really well. We were laughing. It wasn't awkward, it flowed naturally. Why was the date so heavily weighed on who pays at the end?"
Hannah Grossman is a Reporter at Fox News Digital.