St. Louis man gets 60 years for killing high school coach during serial carjacking spree

Kurt Wallace, now 31, fatally shot De Smet football coach Jaz Granderson in 2017

A St. Louis man was sentenced Wednesday to 60 years in prison for a series of carjackings, including one in which a high school football coach was killed.

U.S. District Judge Ronnie L. White handed down the sentence for 31-year-old Kurt Wallace, who pleaded guilty in September to four counts of carjacking, one count of discharging a firearm in furtherance of carjacking resulting in death, and other crimes.


Federal prosecutors said Wallace shot three victims during three carjackings in 2017 that were set up through a dating app. One victim was shot in the shoulder on Sept. 16. Another was shot in the leg on Oct. 15. Both survived.

St. Louis

The St. Louis skyline as seen from across the Mississippi River in East St. Louis, Illinois. (Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Jaz Granderson was fatally shot on Oct. 16, 2017, while his Jeep Grand Cherokee was being stolen. Granderson was an assistant football coach at De Smet Jesuit High School in suburban St. Louis. He played at Northern Iowa from 2009 to 2011.

Wallace was named in a federal indictment in November 2017. He was jailed awaiting trial when he escaped in July 2019, prosecutors said. He was captured after carjacking a vehicle and crashing during a police chase.

Six others accused in connection with the carjackings were previously convicted and are serving sentences ranging from five years to life in prison.

via FoxNews February 14th 2024