The Big Open Secret For 2024

Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance

I was going to publish my 24 stocks I'm watching for 2024 today, but I'm going to hold off until tomorrow because I wanted to elaborate on my highest conviction idea heading into 2024.

It won't come as a surprise to any of my paid subscribers that gold, silver, and miners are my highest conviction idea for the year. So, act surprised when you see it in my article about the stocks I'm watching for the year tomorrow, OK?

I didn't intend on writing this piece at 5AM this morning, but gold pushing close to all-time highs yesterday made me sit around and think: What other assets, if they were moving to all-time highs, wouldn't be getting any television time, social media attention or fanfare at all?

I ask because that is exactly what's happening with gold. Nobody in the financial media is talking about it. Not a single mention on the front page of

There is absolutely zero hype about the asset, and an outside casual observer would think that gold’s price is probably just “status quo” based on the level of attention it's getting. But that’s not the case — and the GLD hit all time highs yesterday.


the big open secret for 2024

It's funny: looking at the discussion in the forum we started yesterday where everybody was discussing their favorite stocks and sectors heading into 2024, you'd think that we would be approaching peak euphoria in the precious metal. But that's not the case. You have to remind yourself that our discussion is among our "fringe" part of the financial world that sees things a little bit differently. When we open the front door and take a look outside, absolutely nobody is talking about gold at all.

I see this as an extremely...(READ THIS ARTICLE HERE). 

Authored by Quoth The Raven via ZeroHedge December 28th 2023