The Latest From Lawless Chicago

the latest from lawless chicago
As Chicago continues its crime-ridden descent, its politicians focus on the important things. 

Chicagoans Vote Their Way Into More Chaos

In a recent post (A Preview Of Post-White America), we quoted the founder of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew: 

In multiracial societies, you don't vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.

Chicagoans proved Lee right again when they replaced one soft-on-crime mayor who had the right race with another, and the result has been continued lawlessness. Our Chicago correspondent David Janello updates us on the latest chaos below. Before we get to that, a brief trading note about a potential short squeeze this week. 

A Potential Short Squeeze

Most companies scheduled to report earnings this week already have, but there's one beaten-down name on deck with a lot of short interest and heavy recent call buying. We have a trade teed up for it today in the Portfolio Armor trading Substack. If you'd like a heads up when we place it, feel free to subscribe below. 

Now onto our Chicago correspondent's post. Video of the machete-versus-pipe faceoff he describes is embedded in the tweet below. 

Machete Vs Pipe Fight, Chicago Style

Forget Karate vs Boxing this is the real deal for Ultimate Fighting

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is rapidly shattering the record breaking crime legacy of his predecessor Lori Lightfoot as low IQ thugs battle it out in broad daylight in previously safe neighborhoods.

This clip was captured at 6 pm by my MMA training partner outside Carlson Gracie's Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym in Chicago's Logan Square neighborhood, a hipster hot spot where some establishments still have mask mandates and every block has its share of Black Lives Matter signs. 

If you ever wondered what hand-to-hand combat between a machete and an iron pipe looks like, this video will give you a real life example.  Not only does the defender do a bare hand disarm of the machete wielder after taunting him to strike, his friend goes into a nearby truck, takes out an iron pipe and clocks the now disarmed assailant in the head.

While previously spectators had to travel to dangerous third world locations to view this kind of action, it is now coming to a liberal stronghold near you. 

David Janello, PhD, CFA is the founder of the options trading platform Spreadhunter, and the author of the book The Nuclear OptionTrading To Win With Options Momentum Strategies. He writes at the Nuclear Options Trading Substack.

Authored by Portfolio Armor via ZeroHedge September 7th 2023