
The Meaning Of Trump's McDonald's Shift (Beyond Trolling Kamala)

Trump at McDonald's
Trump working at McDonald's on Sunday. 

The Meaning Of Trump At McDonald's 

As ZeroHedge noted, Trump working the fryer and the drive-through window at a Pennsylvania McDonald's on Sunday triggered the left. That was one meaning of it, to troll Kamala Harris and her supporters. Kamala had of course claimed (without offering any evidence) to have worked at McDonald's in the past, as former Trump staffer Stephen Miller reminded us. 

And of course, Trump's trolling was accentuated by him doing it on Kamala's birthday.

But there was more to it than that. Consider. 

Trump 2024 Is An Expertly Run Campaign 

As David Marcus detailed below, this was perfect campaign event. 

Marcus didn't mention it there, but another reason Trump's McDonald's event was effective was the reactions it elicited from the left, such as the "fact check" that Trump's event took place in a closed McDonald's, with pre-screened customers in the drive through lane (as if it would have made sense for the target of two assassination attempts in the last few months to do it otherwise). 

It also highlighted how much of the Left's attacks on Trump as mean or a bully are obvious projection. As usual, Trump was kind and gracious with average people. 

Trump Is Iconic

Another reason the event resonated is that Trump is iconic and photogenic. He even looks good in mugshots. 

As John Dee pointed out, Andy Warhol would have appreciated Trump's McDonald's event. 

Trump Showed Every Job Matters

Robert Sterling may have done the best job of explaining why Trump's McDonald's event resonated, beyond the great optics.

Here's the full text of Sterling's post: 

Jokes aside, this is one of the most meaningful gestures I’ve ever seen from a political leader. Donald Trump is showing Americans through his actions—not just telling them with words—that every worker is important, that every job matters, and that there’s dignity in all labor, from serving fries to selling cars to structuring balance sheets.

Trump isn’t pretending to be something he isn’t—he didn’t “grow up in a middle-class family”; he’s a guy who owns hotels, golf courses, and a Boeing 757 with gold-plated toilet handles—but he’s also not pandering or putting on an act. He’s just authentically being who he always is and who he always will be, for better or for worse: The Donald; the guy who develops the same instant rapport and bonhomie with titans of industry and fast-food workers alike; the only president of our lifetime who knows that America doesn’t win unless ALL Americans win, whether they’re fry cooks, executives, shareholders, or anything in between.

You can’t fake something like this. It’s either who you are, or it’s something you’ll never be able to pull off. Trump—somehow—has it. And, because of that, this is the guy I trust to fight for my community and for my businesses.

More importantly, though, this is the guy I trust to fight for the people making $14/hour down the street. They deserve it.

Let's wrap this up with a quick update on a previous post, our interview with the CEO of Bitcoin miner Bit Digital (BTBT). 

Bit Digital Gets A Bid 

At the beginning of the month, we posted our interview with the CEO of Bit Digital here ("Bitcoin, Ethereum, And AI"). 

One of the questions we asked him was whether he was considering a reverse stock split, as (at the time we sent him those questions) BTBT was trading below $3 per share. 

The stock is up about 25% since we posted that, and our $3 strike, February expiration call options on it are up about 118%. 

the meaning of trumps mcdonalds shift beyond trolling kamala

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the meaning of trumps mcdonalds shift beyond trolling kamala

Authored by Portfolio Armor via ZeroHedge October 21st 2024