The New York Times Admits Ukraine Is Losing The War

Russian artillerymen prepare to fire a Giatsint-S self-propelled gun (screen capture via Russia's Ministry of Defense).
Russian artillerymen prepare to fire a Giatsint-S self-propelled gun (screen capture via Russia's Ministry of Defense). 

"Russian Propaganda" In The New York Times

The U.S. Navy's strikes in Yemen have dominated the international news in recent days, so some may have missed an extraordinary story over the weekend. For the last two years, Ukraine War supporters on social media have characterized any claims that Russia may be winning the war as Russian propaganda, but they will be hard-pressed to do the same with this New York Times article, "Russia Regains Upper Hand in Ukraine's East as Kiev's Troops Struggle". 

Russia Regains The Upper Hand

If you're pressed for time, the X thread below does a good job of summarizing the article. 

This post includes the video the Down Syndrome soldier Pearce referred to above.

Back to Pearce's thread:

Hopefully, the NYT shedding light on this will finally expedite the end of this war.

Let's wrap this up with a brief note about this week's earnings reports. 

Earnings Season Picks Up 

Last week, we didn't see any potential earnings trades that looked attractive, but we've got a bigger selection to chose from this week, despite the market holiday today. 

We'll be doing some analysis today to see if there any attractive trades this week. If you'd like a heads up if we find any, feel free to subscribe to our trading Substack/occasional email list below. 


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Authored by Portfolio Armor via ZeroHedge January 15th 2024