The Unprotected Class

A crowd gathered in front of a wall covered with "Kill All Whites" graffiti.

The Unprotected Class

Our friend Jeremy Carl has a new book out about anti-white racism. We're hoping to be able to share a guest post from him on it soon, but in the meantime, here's a great X thread on it by "Nightmare Vision". 

Nightmare Vision added a second thread about a chapter focused on the impact of immigration. 


If you're interested in reading more about Carl's book, you can click on the image below to go to its Amazon page. 

the unprotected class
Click on the image to go to the book's Amazon page. 

In Case You Missed It 

In our last post, we wrote about why it was time to bet against (bad) banks. 

the unprotected class
Click on the image above to view the post. 


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Authored by Portfolio Armor via ZeroHedge May 9th 2024