Threadneedle St. – The Deep State, UFOs, ETs, the British Royals, Noble Bloodlines, et al

Global Intel — Knoxville, TN — 11/17/2024– Well, here we go.  We need to convert hopium into intention, and intention into action.

A better title is probably “The Exopolitics of the Deep State” but waking up people don’t yet know what Exopolitics is – for a quick refresher see

As General Flynn eloquently pointed out, Trump’s win is the beginning, not the end goal, of massive planet wide paradigm shift.  The US is the real intellectual leader of Earth, for better or worse.  It’s not about money, even if that’s the major religion here.

Stick with us here as this is a complex topic that can’t be quickly or easily written out without providing some of the background and it’s hard to leave out key points here.

As the Deep State unwinds, we need to understand the real connections between Hitler, the Nazi’s, Royal Bloodlines, US interests surrounding the Monopoly Industries represented by Dulles bros, and other intersecting interests.  As they say in the Mafia, if you know their name, they are a bag man.  Everybody knows Bill Gates, but nobody knows Bruno Trumpoli – but Bruno worked for the Catholic Central bank, and had access to practically anyone on the planet, including US Presidents.  My partner and I were invited to a secret society where 2 Presidents were members, and 3 were ‘denied’ (maybe they just say that for advertising) but this guy was clearly the Illuminati Banker.  Checkout the book “Devils Banker”.  Probably the best book on this topic is the Committee of 300, written by Dr. John Coleman, CIA / MI6 [6]

threadneedle st the deep state ufos ets the british royals noble bloodlines et al

The world as we know it was created during and after World War 2 – the same players, the modern global political power architecture, Bretton Woods, the Marshall Plan, the Petro Dollar, the whole thing.  The Deep State is actually a collective of secretive networks of power, some human some not- that have interests in human affairs and this was created as a secret alliance just after WW2, perhaps in the final days.  For a detailed documentation of this, please read the very well researched IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black.  This highly documented and well cited work not only shows that it was US industrialists that financed, designed, and engineered the Holocaust, they had maintained a corporate global network that was setup in such a way to survive after the war.  Using a global network of shell companies, offshore banks, and corrupt dictatorships- What were the Nazis and their allies, struck a deal with global power Elites to create the Deep State.  The Deep State is not only Nazis, it’s a global power network of dark forces.  But it does include a bad list of bad dues, just as a bright example Spains dictator Franco. [2]

From the US you have representing deep money from Brown Brothers Harriman Prescott Bush, paternal ancestor of both Herbert Walker and GWB, 2 US Presidents, head of the CIA, and similar silhouette at the book depository after JFK was murdered.  The story we are told is that we won the war and the Nazi’s were eliminated, Hilter was killed, etc.  But this was a cover story, created by A Man called Intrepid, William J Stevenson, architect of the CIA and the Security State.  These guys were a mix of remote mind controlled drones as well as over acheiving Alpha males who thought they were doing a good thing for God and Country.  The Deep State is more like a Dark Alliance, as described by journalist Gary Webb in his book of that name.  It’s a subset of the Committee of 300.  Not all the Elites agree.  There are proxy wars.

So let’s throw it out there, the Nazi’s struck a deal with bad Aliens, Draco-Reptilian Alliance and Nebu Grays.  They did this mostly through channeling, and those beings lied to them, saying they were aliens when in fact they were just manipulating them.  They gave the Germans technology and the Germans had a very active interstellar space program.  This was admitted to Clark McClelland, NASA’s brightest operator who was there handling the missions step by step, by Warner Von Braun.  The conduit was an entity calling herself Maria Orsic, who organized the Vril society and did not agree with Hitler or the Nazi thirst for blood.  There were perhaps a number of ET groups, not only Reptilians, who directly exchanged technology with the Nazis, we don’t know the details of that, but we do know they had UFOs, and JFK witnessed them personally in Germany when he went there with his mentor James Forrestal.

Meanwhile, George Heinz “Soros” told the Nazi’s where his Jewish cousins were hidden for a fee, a big fee, millions of dollars, and they sent him to London as a prized agent, and introduced him to Rothschilds, and history was made.  Hence there is a strong connection to Soros and the Deep State, and his famous trade where he sucks value via Currency from 3rd world countries, doing the bidding of his masters with or without knowing it, doesn’t matter.  They make money from blood, riots, famine, war, and disease.  Rockefellers have always been big in the Pill business, selling the Vaccines to the diseases created by their Deep State friends, this is not something that was new for COVID or a recent technology, it’s been a thing for awhile, at least since WW2.

For at least the past 7,000 years or so, (perhaps more) – a group of service to self, negative oriented beings sometimes called Orion Alliance or Draco-Reptilian Alliance has infiltrated our society using secret societies like the Freemasons, Religions, and more recently Central Banking to dominate our society and create a slave system.  They mostly are a hive-consciousness so they are vastly different to us.  Their Queen or system of living has been destroyed in 2022 or so, and the remaining elements of this conglomerate are the minions, the bots, the trolls, the actors, and paid agent provocateurs – this can be evidenced in the experience of the Democrats vs. Republicans, as they have made so many stupid mistakes it seems as if they are campaigning for their competitors.  OR what’s going on is a decline in the Draco Deep State system, and a slow but steady process of human ascension, which is multi-dimensional in nature.

Every religion, every single one from Christianity to Pagan systems have the same description of “Gods” and those beings are here, and they are active.  Many people are suspicious of “White Hats” but let’s look at it like this – we all have seen evidence of the Deep State, whether it’s the Pedophiles, the Satanists, etc. but how can anyone believe in the dark without the light?  Are the Elites only dark, are there not higher beings who are bright, based on light and love?  Of course Angels, Fairies, Elohim, and other beings of light, are real and talked about in all sacred texts.  How about the Seeders who had a hand in the genetic creation of modern Man, as described in Genesis, and other texts?  Don’t they have skin in the game, too?

So in a million year timeline, it’s not difficult to imagine there are forces of good as well as evil, light as well as dark, and we are in a time of the paradigm shift or fourth tuning into that bright ascension into higher realms.  24 beings contributed to our Human DNA known as Seeders, see Elena Danaan Seeders book [4], and other works.

“Democrats” and “Republicans” 

Word is that since JFK tried to share this with the public, Democrats were locked out of the Deep State, at least to the really sensitive deep deep stuff.  Bill Clinton in particular was shut out of any inquiry into UFOs or other interactions with ETs, while during the 90’s witness testimony confirms that the CIA, NSA, and NRO were actively monitoring and perhaps communicating with ETs.  Freemasons and other groups were involved in secret facilities not created by man.  Of the known underground infrastructure, 20% (according to some estimates, such as by Gene Decode) was built by humans at a cost of Trillions of dollars, where the rest was either found or in use by inner Earth civilizations, and/or ‘gifted’ to the surface humans.  Pre-Obama Democrats were anti-war peaceniks, and then something happened after Bush left.  The NeoCons are (or were) the main surface humans managing the Deep State on behalf of the government, where we know what banking families were involved (i.e. Rothschilds, etc.).  Deep State agent George Soros created the Obama brand, financed by Soros and created by DS assets @ CIA where Obama worked for many years.  Obama was seen on Mars with Andrew Basiago, who said he saved his life once.  People voted for Obama being displeased with the Bush regime, to end pointless wars, and return to the Clinton era of prosperity and closing down military bases.  Obama was a brilliant Trojan Horse as he proved to be worse than Bush on security, state control, surveillance, and promoting the Deep State agenda (including his public marriage to his trans wife, “Big Mike”) being the first openly Gay President, doing his tours in the Chicago Bath Houses, promoting the Trans agenda, etc.  Remember that Humans are loving mammals and lizards are not, they are cold blooded and lay eggs.  Whether this can be attributed to Reptilians, or if they are simply trying to take the “Human” out of us and demoralize us, or a combination of both, is not clear – but what is clear is that Obama did not have a traditional functional nuclear family.  Obama led a shift from NeoCons to Democrats, culminating in scary Biden, Adam Schiff, Pizzagate, and Epstein.  Trump was a Democrat, Elon Musk was a Democrat, RFK Jr. was a Democrat, if you look at most people around Trump they are independents and former Democrats – it seemed that something has deeply changed, the radical wing of the party became the norm.  People who were card carrying Democrats suffered because they simply didn’t want to believe in the stories what was going on, they thought it was just Republican conspiracy theories, attacks, etc.  This last election was more about the sane vs. the insane, than anything.  Many Republicans hate Trump, because it’s really a haves vs. the have nots, or Deep State vs. Open Society if you will ..

The blue/red left/right paradigm is just another trick that the real custodians use to control the people.  Just when things shift one way, they install their guy on the other side.  Rothschilds finance both sides of a war, problem-reaction-solution.  This is Machiavellian, and has been a favorite tool of the Elite’s minions for hundreds of years.  The real question is are you an anti-Jacobin or real Antidisestablishmentarianist?  The whole political system may well have been established to divide and conquer, under the guise of free society.

Post WW2 History, the Nazis, and the Deep State

We must bear in mind if you have a 500 IQ and live 10,000 years you have a different perspective.  World War 2 ended with galactic dealmaking, and secret agreements.  Hitler was given a Generals retirement in Bariloche, Argentina.  While he was no longer involved with the breakaway Germans who escaped, he kept in touch.  The FBI knew this and was tracking him – this is all public and there’s even a Docuseries on it “Hunting Hitler” led by CIA Bob Baer.  Knowing the end of the kinetic war was imminent, Germans were shuffling assets around the world and moving Spacecraft to Antarctica years before the war was over, even before the war.  What the US and Russians got in Germany was leftovers.  Foo Fighters, or UFOs were seen in air battles during the war, nobody asked the question was it the German craft.  In any event, the Nazi interstellar Space program is now well documented up until the end of WW2, after that we sort of lost track, other than they are now calling themselves the Dark Fleet and they operate a galactic slave network involving mining on Ceres, the Moon, and other places.  Deals were also struck with Eisenhower, and here’s where it gets dark.  MJ-12 was the organization setup to manage these secret deals, originally heavily influenced by Nazi power interests and US based sympathizers like Allen Dulles.  For a complete history on that read the book “Man Called Intrepid” who was William J Stevenson.  All of this history is relevant because the CIA, the global power system as we now know it, Breton Woods, etc. all was created and set in stone within a few years of the war ending.  By 1950, it was like this, the modern global political architecture, managed by the Deep State in the shadows.  The Deep State has been sucking Trillions of dollars from the US budget to fund things like deep underground infrastructure, with their Dark Fleet allies cooperate in the galactic slave trade, and exchange technology with Nebu-Grey Draco Reptilian Alliance.  Think COVID-19 but behind closed doors.  The ETs are never seen, except by perhaps a small handful of Elites, but their technology and power is actively used by the dark Elites like the Illuminati.  To be clear, the majority of Elites are probably not aware of this, they are too drunk with power and Adrenochrome to think beyond their shallow egos, most of them.  The point here is the pyramid structure, the architecture.  This was all by design, and it’s a robust and brilliant design that has survived many generations.  The experiments on human patients isn’t really the main thing here, but it should be enough to get people’s attention.  The main goal of the human Elite’s is sadly, more power, and total control.  The New World Order was supposed to be a chip implant, direct remote control grid setup, which is what the Reptilians use to control far worlds.  They are in a way lazy, to setup actual infrastructure, and like the greedy colonialists they are, have developed over millions of years a suite of technologies to keep local populations in line.  We aren’t that special in this regard.

Part of the experimentation was a hybrid program, which was going to be used to eventually subdue or possibly eliminate the human population entirely.  Greys are hive consciousness, they are not individuals like we.  This crap that Greys are “Us from the future” is a Psyop, we cannot become part of the hive no matter what.  Other experiments involved creating super soldiers, such as Project Grill Flame, that was the early research (on kids) in Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing.  Project Looking Glass involves a time device that can see the future, and tip the scales in your favor.  There are thousands of these projects and hopefully we don’t need to spend the rest of our lives going through all of it, with the exception of reparations to victims and their families.  We need to simply end it and move on, and there is a happy ending for all this so don’t worry, we just need to go over the dark history if anything to get your attention, yes folks this is all real and it’s all going to be very public very soon!

This is what JFK was going to disclose, and his brother.  JFK was with James Forrestal physically in Germany when they were acting as US Navy spies, as well, John Trump may have had access to intelligence on the Nazi Secret Space Program.  Why all the secrecy?  They have free energy, zero point energy, where we don’t need Gasoline anymore.  Cures for cancer, time travel, cloning, soul splitting, Med Beds, anything you can probably imagine – they have it.  So their dark agenda is really very imbecilic, if they released all this technology those who do so would actually have more power and wealth, but we wouldn’t depend on them, and they would become irrelevant.  They control the history, what’s taught in schools, ironically the Christians nailed it with Creation – Evolution is a total scam, as is most Science which is a Dogma.  Our current science that we teach are all based on experiments, like the Cavendish experiment, which are 100 – 300 years old.

So in other words, if this amazing positive technology was released, there would be no way to control us.  The control grid is brilliant, it’s not one thing, it’s multi dimensional.  It’s the TV + Chemtrails + Educational System + Tik Tok + “Politics” + Central Banking + “Terrorism, COVID, etc. ” it’s absolutely brilliant.  It’s not human.  Frankly, I had this thought several months into COVID, this plan is so brilliant, it cannot be human intelligence behind it.  Literally, the very day after the impeachment of Trump failed, you had COVID news breaking around the world.  The very next day.

The kids

Millions of children go missing each year, in other words totally missing – no bodies, nothing.. Where do they go?  Witnesses such as Tony Rodrigues who have come forward have testified to the black slave networks that exist.  Some of them are sold into slavery, others are abused in “White Parties” and some are fed to the Reptilians, and/or used in SRA.  A small minority are used in hybrid/genetic experiments.  The connection to the Elite’s is several – first, by participating in wild sex parties with underage kids, which are all recorded on video, they can use that as blackmail to manipulate you.  Second, the Elite’s are paid to act as networking agents.  Third, they are used to groom new ‘stars’ as initiation rituals, which is a mind control thing (many celebrities have reported to go through MK Ultra itself such as Kurt Cobain or others who have expressed similar types of drug induced (scopolamine, etc.) mind control experiments, to be later used as Manchurian Candidate real biological robots.

Kids are also sold into experimentation programs, such as Project Grill Flame, based in California in the early 1980s, children as young as 10 were subjected to mental suffering including sleep deprivation, forced to watch violent and horrific clips of people being brutally killed and tortured, as well as drugged – in order to conduct experiments on Remote Viewing.  They said that the reason for kids is that they do not have all the adult hardwiring in the brain to overcome or in other words, children are a more open book for experimentation.  The CIA/DOD scientists who were performing these experiments were told the kids were clones, they were not, but that gave the scientists some relief as to the horrors they were doing.

The Non Human connection

Let’s be clear about ExoPolitics, it’s beyond our normal framework of linear time and single dimensional thinking to even start a discussion about non-human elements influencing our society or the real history of Earth or Humanity regarding the non Human component.  We’re at a stage of asking if we’re alone in the Universe, we don’t even consider that we weren’t the first on Earth or that there are non-human intelligences in the Universe (such as Fungi, who display extremely intelligent and organized behavior, more than some human societies).  It’s not a black and white situation as some think, that the Deep State is totally controlled by evil Reptilians, for example.  Hitler and the Nazis clearly made a deal with some Reptilians and Greys, brokered by Maria Orsic, which culminated in a technology exchange and the Germans were given access to Inner Earth, bases in Antarctica, etc.  Deals were struck, but deals also are violated.  There are infiltrators, on both sides.  The universe is all about balance, and we must remember that we are part Reptilain (we have even Reptilian Brain) and not all Reptilians are bad, just like not all humans are good!  The point is not to say this is the way it is, there is not sufficient information for any surface Author to make such claims, the point is that all these things are real and require further investigation and discussion.  There is a lot of evidence, a firehose of evidence, that humans have been controlled for at least 7,000 Earth years possibly much longer, but we have legends, myths, physical evidence, and elements of the Deep State that prove this as well, most notably deep underground military facilities where experiments are done on humans.  Witnesses have claimed there are ETs at these facilities, both good and bad, who work in conjunction with human uniformed military persons.

Reptilian Empire

The Reptilians have a history of enslaving planets because they believe it is in their destiny.  Wake up and realize that there are billions of other Earth like planets, and there are more advanced civilizations as well as more savage ones.  The universe is diverse and is all about balance.  Reptilians are an ancient species that far pre-dates humans, and on Earth and Mars too, and they are not all bad.  However, there is a faction of them that are genetically predisposed to control.  It’s not clear if they created the Nazis or if the Nazis were evil by nature and reached out to them, but they are all dark groups that have a slave service to self agenda that is toxic for any legitimate development.  Their method of control is what we would consider to be maniacal, like what you see in Star Wars of the Dark Side.  Lots of drones maintaining strict controls of people and their behavior.  They are involved, if not behind, Satanism and SRA, children going missing, human experiments and the slave networks, and they thrive on human flesh.  This dark side perhaps is so bizarre that it’s difficult for most to discuss on a normal level but we do need to have these discussions at some point.  There is evidence Reptilians have been involved in our history since the beginning, think of references in the Bible to “The Snake” – in Indian culture the Naga are “Snake People” with special powers, they are shapeshifters, and can read your mind.  Battling them because of this reason is difficult because they can see what you do before you do it.  For guidance on these exotic issues look to Science Fiction such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate movie and Series, and many others- much of that is soft disclosure.

Central Banking @ Threadneedle St. and 911

The global financial system is a total scam that sucks value from working people and makes the .0001% super wealthy on paper, but that allows them to do things like bankroll Dictators, etc.  See John Perkins book Economic Hit Man for more details.  The CIA works with the World Bank to offer “Loans” and ultimately, debt slavery.  The US exports inflation to the world because the USD is the major reserve currency of other central banks, and there is no alternative except barter, which is made illegal by local governments’.  Don’t be fooled by Bitcoin which is another NSA/CIA PsyOp perhaps not designed to suck wealth, but it is a giant Ponzi scheme that mostly sucks the electricity of the planet through mining operations, while allowing them to catch criminals through the Pseudo anonymous architecture (only the NSA can triangulate bitcoin transactions to IP addresses) – it’s just another tool of control.

Bitcoin is the precursor to CBDC, which is a total negative control system.  Whether Bitcoin was a US Government project or not, it is most certainly a Trojan Horse because there’s nothing good about using Bitcoin, which acts like a Ponzi scheme that sucks up physical electricity along the way.  Or to retort, explain the economic benefit of “Mining” other than making the server owners rich?  Bitcoin is literally sucking electricity from the grid that could be used for real productive things, just one example, let’s say producing food in hydroponic indoor factories, just one example..

That’s not to say that all Blockchain technology is useless, certainly Blockchain is a secure platform for financial technologies and many other applications.  The point here is a group of “Custodians” have used the financial system to control the human population writ large.  In the book Gods of Eden, the author describes an account of an individual who was taken as a passenger in astral travelling starting in Mt. Shasta to the Great Tetons in Wyoming, where they witnessed a room inside a cave system, with jewelry and gold that would make the Pope blush.  Not only Gold and Silver, but Crowns of famous kings, priceless artefacts, paintings, diamonds – you name it.  He also described a device that you could hear what was going on inside the Bank of England!  This book was written in the 1990s, and that would be proven true decades later, from the Times: [1]

One of the companies behind the Bank of England audio-tapping scandal appears to have attended a press conference given by Mark Carney and asked him questions at the specific request of a trader. The Times revealed this week that the Bank of England’s internal audio systems had been hijacked, allowing hedge funds to listen in to press conferences given by its governor before they were officially broadcast. This newspaper reported yesterday that traders had boasted of making “plenty” of “pips” (percentage points) as a result of getting the information early from Bank press conferences.

This of course isn’t the first time this has happened, it’s just been the first time they got caught.  George Soros notably made Billions by “Betting against the Bank of England” or in other words, having inside information about what the bank would do before hand.  That info isn’t only worth Billions of dollars, you can literally see the future.  Soros’ fund had at the time a ‘computer system’ that could ‘see the future’ and they no doubt used that as an excuse for having access to such info.  Soros is not a power player per se, he’s just an agent of the real owners of society, but he serves as a good example of how the real Elite’s manipulate society through the financial system.  It should also be noted that through Soros “Open Society” foundation he’s worked closely with the CIA and other organizations to fund opposition revolutions including but not limited to the “Orange” revolution in Ukraine in 2014, meanwhile Rothschild bought the Debt of Ukraine: [3]

LONDON, Sept 7 (Reuters) – Ukraine, which is expected by investors to soon embark on extending its debt maturities, has appointed Rothschild as an advisor to its finance ministry, according to sources familiar with the situation. Kiev is preparing to return to international capital markets this month, having appointed Citi, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan to lead a bond issue – its first since a 2015 debt restructuring.

This confirms what John Perkins said in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – first they send in the bankers, then the hitmen (“Jackals”), and then the Army.  But who is really pulling the strings of Central Banks, the CIA, and Secret Societies?  Perhaps we should look at their histories.

Rumor has it that *some* of the Royals are hybrids or have at least some genetic modifications.  They only breed with each other and Diana was a real problem for them, she was exposing the cluster bombs killing young kids.  Well, there’s no secret that the King gets his power “Directly from God” but they don’t specify “Which God” probably a Demigod, or ET.  Why are the Royals so separate from their serfs, and why the disparity, and it’s built into the culture as if it always was?  Central Banking is modern feudalism, a technology if you will.

The Rothschilds have always held some mystical magic advantage in business.  They weren’t the only bankers in that time, so many have pondered why they were so successful, as if they could see the future.  Perhaps they had access to technology, inside information, or had help from someone knowledgeable of other things, i.e. non humans.  That doesn’t mean they are hybrids maybe they just cut a deal, like Eisenhower did – in exchange for technology and information, we want several million bodies per year.  War creates lots of bodies and there’s an easy way to explain where they went, killed in battle.  The Fog of War is the ultimate cover for any dark activities.  Some say that Soros is short for Sorceror, it means “To Fly” in Esperanto, his original name is Georgi Schwartz, a common Jewish name.  Did Soros really work with the Nazis to rat out his Jewish cousins for a big fee and plane ticket to London?  We can’t verify that, but the fact is that many Jews did do that, they were paid large sums to tell the Nazis where they were hiding, and they were allowed to leave for London or USA.  While we cannot prove this fact, it is interesting that Soros would have other future connections to the Dark Fleet and the Deep State, and his famous trade was to bankroll a revolution, collapse the currency, and the new regime would reset the debt clock.  It worked in small countries but in trying to do that to USA it was an obvious fail due to the size of USA and because you have others who do not agree or allow that type of strategy to play out.

During the Battle of Waterloo, Rothschilds knew the outcome and bet big on it.  This was officially attributed to their messengers being allowed to run through both sides, thus having info in the hands of London traders first.  But what if something else was going on?  The official narrative is that George Soros “Broke the bank of England” but what if something else was going on?  Who were the account holders of the puts on United Airlines that made billions, cleared through a brokerage firm that was associated to the Bush family and later bought by DB and had their records destroyed.  Terrorism is an amazing tool because it’s something abstract that nobody knows who it is or where it’s coming from.

In FX markets, we see that someone knows days and hours before events happen.  The 77 London bombings are a great example.  The GBP across the board was sold off hours before the bombs went off for no other reason.  FX markets are huge, but during the Asian session or quiet times it doesn’t take much to move the markets.  Someone had knowledge, but it was not likely the Muslim Terrorists that carried out the attacks.  Someone, we have to call them the Elites because we don’t know who it was, some powerful and well funded group, organized the attacks and the FX trades paid for them.  Insider trading is not illegal in FX markets, of course, but whoever held those accounts would have been a good lead for the police, that is if the whole situation was real.  Everyone is in on it, and everybody gets paid.  Neil Bush ran security for 911, Dick Cheney ran the inside, George Bush’s job was just to play dumb, and he was very well suited for that role, Benji is a potential mastermind.  We don’t know who planned 911 but it was impossible, simply physically impossible, that it was masterminded and executed by a group of Muslims with knives.  Firefighters all heard the explosions in the building, the owner of the building admitted to “Pulling” building 7, FEMA was there doing ‘training excercises’ days before, and the dump trucks were ready to get the Gold while the smoke was still settling.  A group of Physicists signed a letter stating that the physics of what we are told is simply impossible.  The architect of the WTC towers said it was capable to withstand jet crashes.  The official FEMA photographer Kurt Sonnenfeld was chased out of the country, his wife mysteriously died and he was blamed for the murder (this was the guy on the ground filming everything).  We don’t know the real story and probably we will never know, but we know the 9/11 commission is a total lie, there is not a single element of truth in there.  The point is that the Elites, the Deep State, create these operations to a) control society and b) profit.  9/11 created a global security state, several wars, and an environment in the US where it was literally impossible to discuss ETs or any positive technology.  We have to catch Terrorists!  Looking back, it’s not hard to see how this brilliantly planned and executed event changed the global consciousness from positive to fear overnight, and it lasted for decades.

“Capitalism” the ultimate tool of control

We are told that Capitalism is good and Communism is bad, but do we really exist in a free market society?  Clearly the Monopolies manipulate markets and engage in price fixing, auction rigging, and the fix is in, so to speak.  Through regulatory capture, dirty tricks, secret deals and cartel tactics – the Establishment doesn’t allow anything to change.  Technology is drip fed like a faucet filled with fluorinated water and like rats on a wheel, peasants which are the 99.99% of society are given happy pills, beer, football, potato chips and other cheap dopamine spikes to keep them fat, happy, and distracted from what’s really going on.  The great news is that the wave of paradigm shift surrounding the new Trump administration shows that control paradigm is collapsing one pillar at a time.  Censorship is exactly correlated to junk food diet, and to the quality of information people digest.  If you want to prove this, stop eating any processed foods or alcohol for 30 days and you’ll see that you are more sharp, have a refreshed sense of life and adventure, and have more energy.  It isn’t one bag of chips, it isn’t one glass of wine, it’s the daily and constant grind.  The control system is like a meat grinder for the brain – they don’t want to kill us, that’s easy to do, we are in a semi-conscious state of compliance, where decisions are made for us by the Hive Queen.

Over the years, I’ve complained about Hollywood and how films are part of the brainwashing system, and I’d like to partially apologize because while that is still true, Hollywood also has many intelligent films that have tried to warn us of this reality, and others that have proven to be real soft disclosure.  I’m grateful to those writers, directors, and producers who were trying to send out a positive message that they couldn’t come right out and say.

Currently we live in a Win-Lose Cartel Capitalism, where big bank takes little bank, and there’s no room for new players.  There is a pull and tug that gives consumers protections, consumer rights and so on but the big bank keeps on making big bank and bigger.  The Monopolies always win.  This is largely by design, but it’s toxic to anyone who isn’t in the .001%

Free Markets are the answer but when you allow regulation to dictate how markets operate, those regulators are bought by the Monopolies and it turns into a rigged game.  What we need is a form of Win Win Capitalism, such as described here. [5] In the popular Wall St. trade you have a winner and a loser, often a big loser – which can be a country, a demographic, or just a bunch of suckers that bought in at the last moment.  But that’s not the only way to make money, there is a type of Capitalism where everyone wins, we can think of a good label for it for now “Win Win” is a good one, because both counterparties walk away feeling great.  It’s not difficult to identify which trades are in Win Win vs. Win Lose.  A Win Win trade almost never results in lawsuits, so obviously the powers to be as represented by the Legal class, have no incentive to lobby for a Win Win.  This may be in their subconscious, but Lawyers don’t have skin in the game as far as the mainstream narrative is concerned, because no matter who wins somebody’s getting sued.  This is setup by design, such that lawyers protect the status quo, and create a disincentive for positive change, beyond the allowed boundaries.

The Demigods

All religions, myths (Joseph Campbell), Legends, Native American stories passed down, Ancient Texts, the Greeks (Plato, Aristotle) describe the same phenomenon:  Advanced beings descended from the heavens or from under the Earth to teach savage humans how to live.  Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Hindus all share these stories, although the names are different, they take different forms and have differing beliefs about what animals are sacred and what animals are toxic.  In the Bible there is the Nephilim, the Elohim, Angels, and many other beings.  Christians believe Angels are beings of light.  What about the Giants, (Book of Giants), Noah’s tribe, and the Nephilim?  How about Enki and Enlil, and countless other non-human beings mentioned in our sacred texts.  What if it was all real?  What if our history is really a proxy for their interests, society is a reflection of the struggle between factions of warring Annunaki parties, such as Enlil and Enki.

Imagine you are Zeus, capable of creating lightning bolts, and you enjoy to wow crowds with your amazing feats.  Wouldn’t many enjoy to go back in time with modern technology, clearly, people would think you’re a God.  This is the premise of Ancient Aliens, a very well done series because it’s digestible for the masses.  They say that our ancestors say they were ‘Gods’ because they had no other way to describe technology.  The Demigods certainly encourage this false narrative as it makes them more powerful and easier to control the local population.  Whatever your take on this, and whatever your background you can’t deny that the Demigods are a real phenomenon, and they are here now, either with remote influence, or traces of their past influence (or both).  Their impact on human society has to be considered.  Did they have direct deals with people, was there a technology exchange at times and if so, how is this any different than the Grey’s dealing with Eisenhower?  In other words, Earth’s history is riddled with Exopolitics, and that is not a talked about component.

UFOs are a Limited Hangout

UFOs are interesting and cool but it’s a distraction from the larger narrative, which is who is running them, and why are they here, and were they here first?  Were humans first on Earth and if not, who was, and what is our real history?  What is the real history of our genetic makeup, of our planet, existence, and the Universe?  Those are real questions, not about the propulsion systems of UFOs which anyway our Physics can’t comprehend.  We are assuming now that Earth is a solid flaming lava rock with no interior, based on the Cavendish experiment which was done 200 years ago.  Our financial system uses “Fed Wire” which has only this year been updated, the reason it was called “Wire” is because it was designed in 1937 based on a Telegraph communication, do you think this scientific paradigm is capable to understand UFOs and advanced Physics?  Michio Kaku would agree, that we cannot understand the physics or other epistemology of higher more advanced civilizations.   We should start by looking at Earth based non-human intelligence such as Fungus, which we know very little about.  Why should we make any assumptions as to the motives, technology, or philosophy of higher beings?  Looking at UFOs is just low hanging fruit of the skeptics, as they can cite “Physical Evidence” which is all fine but overall this focus is a limited hangout.  You can see the public already asking if the US will release UFOs, but forgetting about the fact that the US has made agreements with ET races, or that ETs are here right now walking among us, or other more significant things like what the Military is actively doing.

They may be, a trigger for a larger disclosure / narrative which is the obvious bait, but it is bait nonetheless.  At the recent UFO hearings they had the attitude to claim that NASA needs more money to detect non human life!  How about ask the workers in the DUMBs who are dealing with them everyday.  How about JROD, or Valiant Thor?  How about Monroe Institute training which is guaranteed to communicate telepathically with non-human entities.  It’s clear that this “Disclosure” is nothing more than a distraction, and to act as a Limited Hangout for what’s really going on, and they do have good reason to hide the truth which is that a) Deep State has been hiding massive and horrific abuses to humans and b) hoarding technology that can solve all of our problems, including but not limited to Zero Point energy, crystals activated with technology, Med Beds, and thousands of other positive things.

Good vs. Bad

To be clear, this is an extremely complex topic and not black and white.  But we can categorize non-human intelligence into negative and positive, that means negative seeks to manipulate, exploit, kidnap, kill, eat, or otherwise cause harm to humans or their environment.  There are many negative oriented ETs, and not all ETs in those races are bad, but generally speaking Draco Reptilians, Greys, Insectoids (Mantis), and several others should be avoided at all costs.  Recall “The Mothman Prophecies” – these beings are real and have inhabited Earth for millions of years (or longer).

But we don’t often hear about the good guys, positive service-to-other beings that have nothing to share but love and information.  Some of them are Seeders and have participated in the Genetic support of Humans for a long time.  Others have similar positive roles to play, everyone brings something to the table.  There are millions of civilizations in the Milky Way alone, and there are billions of known galaxies.  The numbers are mind boggling.  If you stare at the sky at night outside of a city, you’ll see the sky covered in stars, many of which have beings also living there staring up at the sky, literally staring back at you!

The Galactic Federation of Worlds is an organization that operates in a framework similar to the U.N. but they are also a military organization that will protect their members.  In order to join, a planet must be at a point where we are aware of their existence and they must consciously ask to join (with full knowing).  We’re far from that, but perhaps closer than it seems.  They abide by Cosmic Law such as the Law of One (you’ve read this in Ra Material) and the Prime Directive which is more similar to something we might understand in our legal system.  Ironically, sources say it was the same Annunaki that gave Ancient Sumerians law and rule of law which we can date our modern legal system to today.

There’s a simple test to determine if an ET is bad or good.  Good ETs will never abduct you or ask you to do anything, or convince you of a narrative.  Negative ETs will abduct you and tell you that “We are you from the future” or other narratives, they are smarter than us, don’t buy their PsyOps.  The issue we have faced over the past 20 years or so is that the Positive ETs will not directly influence Earth society positively because even if it’s good for us, it’s against the Prime Directive, which states no meddling.  Disclosure was planned for 2002 and then 9/11 changed the timeline.  Think of how positive the 90’s Clinton era was, with the peace loving technology boom happening, before the NeoCons, representing the Deep State and Dark ETs, fast rolled us into TERROR ALERT.

The bottom line is that we need to decide for ourselves, not based on outside influences.  The Deep State doesn’t follow the Prime Directive, they break all the rules.  They are meddling, creating hybrids, inserting false narratives, and much much more.  But all is good- we’re past that.

The White Hats

The Earth Alliance are positive leaders inside the US Navy, US Air Force, and Covert operations like CIA working together with positive oriented ETs like the Nordics, Plaedians, Positive Annunaki, and other groups such as the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Word is that the White Hats approached Donald Trump and asked him to run, they would support him.  Regardless of that, we’re now at a vortex of intersecting positive interests that will soon overwhelm the Deep State or any harmful effects negative beings would have on our timeline.

The Seeders are here – Dark Fleet / Deep state is out

We have confirmation that the dark entities controlling, influencing, financing, and helping the human Deep State have left the Earth and the Solar system for good.  This has been confirmed by multiple unrelated sources, including but not limited to US covert military personnel, as well as contactees who have access to such info.

Some of the Seeders are here physically in the Solar System, waiting for us to be normal enough to not freak out if they appear (or shoot them).  The election was the tipping point so now it’s only a question of time.  The work is just beginning, but Trump has assembled a real A-Team that is going to bust the Deep State wide open.  With the censorship machine gone, it will be easier for real witnesses to come forward, and for information to proliferate. has been shadow banned, blacklisted, de-listed, and otherwise banned by Google and their algorithms, specifically on 3 topics, Climate Change, ETs, and COVID.   It’s important to share this article with your normie friends that wouldn’t otherwise read it, and follow us.

We do not get paid from this it is a total loss of time and money promoting it (when possible) to get this information out there, we do not benefit in any way from having this read, other than some partner banner ads and some Amazon affiliate links – we appreciate the link love.

Humanity needs to be at a certain point of awareness, a critical mass, to move to the next step of ascension.   Nobody is going to ‘save’ us and we can’t ‘wait’ for something to happen, it’s all awareness based.  Our collective consciousness needs to trigger, to attract, to manifest other positive beings who will bring about paradigm shift.  That happens individually, internally, and by having all humans in this higher state of consciousness it creates unity with other beings, with Earth, with animals, with Source.  Only with this unity in vibration can we free ourselves from the problems of our past, and solidify the robustness of our timeline reducing the risk of a relapse.  Let’s go!

We can all do things to raise our vibration, what I’m doing personally is making music.  Frequency Entanglement.  For you it may be oil painting, Yoga coaching, writing books, or simply helping someone.  Synchronicity itself can multiply if you put out gratitude and love you’ll get 10 times back.

threadneedle st the deep state ufos ets the british royals noble bloodlines et al

LeeLoo vs. the Deep State – upcoming Book for 2025

These articles are food for my upcoming book, LeeLoo vs. the Deep State.  LeeLoo is my dog, named after the character in the Fifth Element, LeeLoo – where the Annunaki descend to shift society to a new era, but need the Fifth Element or the “Supreme Being” to complete the process – my contention is the Fifth Element is Love.  You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy Teddies!  LeeLoo is a Teddy Bear, or Zuchon, her father is a Bichon and mother is Shi Tsu.  Our Teddies are Pure Love energy –


3 Rothschilds buys Ukraine Debt 2017

4 Seeders by Elena Danaan Order Link 

5 Win Win Capitalism by the Institute for Scientific Integrity and Legal Policy

Committee of 300 Order it!  

Can you imagine an all powerful group, that knows no national boundaries, above the laws of all countries, one that controls every aspect of politics, religion, commerce and industry, banking, insurance, mining, the drug trade, the petroleum industry, a group answerable to no one but its members? To the vast majority of us, such a group would appear to be beyond the realms of possibilities and capabilities of any given organization. If that is what you believe, then you are in the majority. The conception of a secret, elite group exercising control of every aspect of our lives is beyond our comprehension. Americans are prone to say, “It can’t happen here, our Constitution forbids it.” That there is such a body, called “The committee of 300,” is graphically told in this book. When most people attempt to address our problems, they speak or write about “they”; this book tells precisely who “they” are, and what “TheY” have planned for our future, how “they” have been at war with the American nation for 50 years, a war which we are on the brink of losing, what methods “They” use and exactly how “they” have brainwashed us. If you are Puzzled and perplexed as to why things are occurring that we as a nation don’t like yet seem powerless to prevent, why it is that the United States always seems to back the wrong horse, Why the united states is in a depression from which it will not emerge, why our former social and moral values have been turned aside and seemingly buried; if you are confused by the many conspiracy theories, the conSPirators’ hierarchy: the committee of 300 will clearly establish that these conditions have been deliberately created to bring us to our knees. Once you have read the applying truths contained in this book, understanding past and present political, economic, social and religious events will no longer be a problem. This powerful account of the forces ranged against the United States, and indeed the entire free world, cannot be ignored.

Music to Raise your Vibrations (Made by Humans)

Authored by Globalintelhub via ZeroHedge November 19th 2024