Transgender University of California-Davis Professor Threatens ‘Zionist Journalists’ and Children

transgender university of california davis professor threatens zionist journalists and children

A “far-left trans” assistant professor at the University of California-Davis is being condemned as “revolting” by his school for threatening violence against Zionist journalists and their children online.

Jemma Decristo, a biological male who identifies as a black lesbian “tranarchist” on one of his associated social media profiles, came under fire when he posted threats to make pro-Israel journalists “fear us more” on October 10.

“One group of ppl we have easy access to in the US is all these Zionist journalists who spread propaganda & misinformation… they have houses w addresses, kids in school… they can fear their bosses, but they should fear us more,” Decristo wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

At the end of the post, the professor inserted emojis depicting a knife, an ax, and drops of blood.

In another post, he called — with flame emojis — for the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon to be burned with the caption “U.S. out of everywhere, U.S. GO HOME.”

Journalist Andy Ngo identified Decristo, who did not use his real name on X, as “a far-left trans assistant professor of American Studies at @ucdavis.”

Ngo also shared that Decristo was born as a male named Jeramy.

After the backlash began pouring in, Decristo set his X profile to private, and UC Davis Chancellor Gary S. May released a statement of condemnation. 

“I absolutely condemn the posts attributed to a UC Davis faculty member that recently appeared on the social media platform X,” he wrote Thursday, continuing:

I find the comments revolting in every way, and I disagree wholeheartedly with them. UC Davis rejects all forms of violence and discrimination, as they are antithetical to the values of our university. We strive to foster a climate of equity and justice built on mutual understanding and respect for all members of the community.

May said that the incident would be investigated internally but did not clarify if Decristo would be terminated:

We can confirm that the provost will refer this matter to the appropriate campus departments that investigate harassment, discrimination, and faculty conduct, in consultation with legal counsel regarding First Amendment rights. Some have asked why this faculty member continues to be employed at UC Davis. The University of California system has specific procedures for the review of complaints of faculty misconduct consistent with universitywide policies and bylaws. The status of complaints lodged against faculty members are confidential personnel matters, so we are unable to publicly comment on the steps we are taking.

Before closing the statement, the chancellor added that the university is “carefully reviewing” the matter to ensure its response “is consistent with universitywide policy and state and federal constitutional protections” for free speech.

Decristo has joined a growing list of university faculty coming under fire for their statements following the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel that killed more than 1,400.

Video Shows Hamas Rockets, Paragliders, Terrorists Streaming into Israel

Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades via Storyful

As Breitbart News covered, Cornell University professor Russell Rickford went on a pro-Hamas tirade Sunday, calling the terror group’s recent attacks against Israel “energizing,” adding, “I was exhilarated!”

“Hamas has shifted the balance of power. Hamas has punctured the illusion of invincibility. That’s what they’ve done!” Rickford proclaimed at a rally. “You don’t have to be a Hamas supporter to recognize that! Hamas has changed the terms of debate!”

transgender university of california davis professor threatens zionist journalists and children

Tamar, Yonatan, and their children — Shachar (6), Arbel (6), and Omer (4) — were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists in Kibbutz Nir Oz. (@EladStr Twitter/X)

Yale professor Zareena Grewal, who identifies as a “radical Muslim,” also faced backlash when she appeared to justify the recent terror attacks on X, writing, “My heart is in my throat,” soon after news of the Israeli defense against Hamas broke. 

“Prayers for Palestinians. Israel is a murderous, genocidal settler state, and Palestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle, solidarity,” Grewal said, garnering the attention of more than 50,000 signers of a petition to remove her from her faculty position as of Saturday. 

ISRAEL FIGHTS TERROR: Is Israel’s Response to Hamas Legal and Justified?

Joel Pollak

Yet another petition has targeted a Columbia University professor, who published an article referring to the Hamas attacks as an “awesome stunning victory.”

Painting a positive picture of the terrorists who dropped from the skies into a music festival being enjoyed by unsuspecting concertgoers, history and politics lecturer Joseph Massad wrote, “Awesome were the scenes witnessed by millions of jubilant Arabs who spent the day watching the news, of Palestinian fighters from Gaza breaking through Israel’s prison fence or gliding over it by air.”

transgender university of california davis professor threatens zionist journalists and children

Noa Argamani was partying in the south of Israel at a peace music festival when Hamas terrorists kidnapped her and dragged her from Israel into Gaza. Noa is held hostage by Hamas. (@HenMazzig Twitter/X)

The petition to fire Massad also received more than 50,000 signers as of Saturday.

Authored by Olivia Rondeau via Breitbart October 21st 2023