Trump Second-Shooter Theory Emerges
A working theory on the attempted assassination of a presumptive president.
Great communication yields far greater truths than the sum of its parts.
Post the Trump Assassination attempt, the Legacy mainstream media has been slow to explore obvious contradictions and holes in timelines surrounding the roles and responsibilities of various parties involved in the event, including but not limited to Government agencies.
Fortunately in what may be a watershed moment for the New Media to help shed light— and at least move investigative processes forward in a more timely manner giving events such as Presidential candidate assassination attempts the urgency needed— others are on the case.
The New Media is comprised of people with expertise and experience in pressure cooker environments able to interact, then develop and stress-test ideas quickly. Further, these quicker turnaround processes are facilitated by open culture free-speech media platforms, like X.Com.
In effect the X platform is a new community plaza where people meet and ideas are exchanged in full view of the whole community to be tested and rejected or accepted more efficiently than the legacy news media currently does.
There are many others discussing the shooting timeline in parallel threads with similar conclusions. We’d also suggest looking at the timelines of Alchemist Jedi and Chris Martenson for other insights as well as our own.
In Sum of the Above: The whole of great communication—imperfect as it is with risk of error— yields far greater truths than the the sum of its atomized parts.
We do not necessarily agree or disagree with the following theory, regardless, the topic discussed below must be explored further now. It needs to be out there.
-Vincent Lanci
The Second Shooter
A working theory of the attempted assassination of President Trump by Matt Riley
Bottom Line Up Front: There was likely at least one additional shooter to the one being discussed in the media right now. In true JFK assassination form, there was a primary shooter, and a secondary, more highly skilled shooter.
The Patsy
There are a ton of unanswered questions about who would be DJT assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, really is. Here are three relevant working assumptions compiled from the reporting that is out there.
A social awkward relative loner
Not a great shot
A 20yo with no known social media presence
So, from this point forward in the theory we will refer to Crooks as “The Patsy.”
The Heavy
Needless to say, in a multiple shooter scenario, the primary shooter responsible for actually taking out the target would be highly skilled. Nearly any random Joe can be a tack driver from a bench rest at 250 yards with a quality rifle, but the quality and skills found at the highest levels of military and covert operations is hard for most people to fathom. Being precisely accurate is not even the half of it. Timing shots to align with elements out of the shooters control, while also maintaining situational awareness of a near infinite amount of variables is the hard part.
For a example; let us recall the level of technical execution required to save Captain Richard Phillips in 2009. A pair of Tier 1 military snipers timed near simultaneous shots to save him. The first shooter fired to break a window, which initiated a second shooter to make a head shot on a Somali pirate holding Philips hostage. Oh, and both the shooters, and the target where on separate moving boats in the Indian Ocean. It was a relatively short range shot, but we are highlighting the factors of taking a hard shot beyond simple marksmanship.
While we do not yet have direct evidence of a second shooter, there is mounting evidence to show The Patsy did not take the accurate shot that clipped President Trumps right ear. For the sake of our working theory, this second highly professional and accurate shooter will be called “The Heavy”.
The Setting
The area immediately surrounding the Butler Pennsylvania rally location is relatively flat. So if The Heavy was going to fire from the same approximate angle as The Patsy, then they would likely need to be located in the same AGR International building complex. The lapse in counter sniper security around AGR is indisputable. If The Patsy can loiter around the site for 30 minutes and clumsily make his way to the ridge cap of the closest roof to President Trump outside the Secret Service perimeter, then its safe to assume The Heavy could gain an elevated position at a greater distance without being detected. The AGR complex is constituted by several buildings with varying roof types, but the two roofs I want to highlight are both low slope metal roofs of about a 1-12 rise/run profile. Sorry Kimberly Cheatle, that is about as flat as a roof gets.
Below is a better perspective to understand the angles involved.
Just check out how much great concealment a shooter would have from The Heavy’s location.
How would this theory be proven out? This of course assumes there was a legitimate investigation conducted by a competent authority with no doors closed to them. (Because the FBI and DHS will bury any real evidence under Jimmy Hoffa’s body, right next to the identity of the J6 pipe bomber) It will be very difficult and will likely come down to angle analysis and audio analysis to determine differences in the time distance of arrival of various sounds.
While it is plausible that The Patsy could pull this off solo, it is remarkable unlikely. The round that clipped President Trumps ear was incredibly accurate. If not for a remarkably timed turn of the head, it would have been perfect. But the one thing even the best sniper can’t control for is the targets movement during the 3/10th of a second bullet time of flight. Remember, if The Heavy was timing their shot with the decision of the unwitting Patsy, then they would not get to select the moment to engage. Otherwise, a shooter would prefer to wait until President Trump is finished engaging with and pointing at the visual graphic he was using. Fortunately for America, The Patsy got spooked by a local PD sticking his head up over the top of a ladder and his hand was forced on the timing.
The Water Tower
There is information and potential witnesses citing the water tower as the location of a second shooter. That may end up being the case, but here are four reasons why I don’t think it’s true.
1. The giant projector screen President Trump was using obstructs the water towers view of the rally stage where he was located. This may have been intentional on the Secret Services part, but that’s a stretch give their other failures.
2. It’s incredibly difficult, if not impossible to make a hasty, unnoticed egress from the water tower. Of all the things to witness, you would think a person climbing down a tower ladder, or someone going full Mission Impossible and repelling down would get noticed.
3. Some of the audible witnesses clearly seem to have heard something coming from a different location than The Pasty. If the witnesses were located to the West of the AGR complex, then the roof where we theorize The Heavy would fire from could be in the same direction as the water tower. Any "eyewitness" videos that state something to the effect "they said there was a shooter in the tower" should be immediately dismissed. In a sniper environment, eyes will naturally gravitate to the highest object with suspicion, and the rumor mill will run wild. If they didn’t directly see a shooter, or a puff of smoke from the water tower with their own eyes, then they are not an eyewitness.
4. If an accurate shot were to come from the water tower and actually kill President Trump, it would generate evidence of a second shooter due to the elevation and angle difference from The Patsy. Why create problems for a cover-up if you don’t have to?
The author of the piece Matt Riley, has 10 plus years military intelligence experience. From our own interactions governing his follow up research and step by step observations on the mBridge platform (confirming the path laid out in GoldFix many times over the past 2 years), we feel his analytical approach is serious and raises legitimate questions hopefully that will be explored for true clarity of what happened and continues to go on since the attempt on a presumptive President’s life.
**Trump Conspiracy Theories Might Not Be Theory At All
— VBL’s Ghost (@Sorenthek) July 19, 2024
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