Ugandan Rapist Given Life Sentence for Sex Attack on 66-Year-Old Woman Despite Existing Deportation Order

ugandan rapist given life sentence for sex attack on 66 year old woman despite existing deportation order
Dan Kitwood/Getty

A migrant from Uganda has been handed a life sentence for brutally beating and raping a pensioner in London, despite previously losing his right to remain in the country after a 2008 rape.

In yet another failure of the UK government to deport a dangerous foreigner, Ramazan Mukalazi, 40, has been convicted of a “ferocious” sex attack against a 66-year-old woman in Hounslow last year after consuming alcohol and cannabis, Sky News reports.

The attack came despite the Ugandan-born migrant previously losing his right to remain in Britain after raping a 21-year-old woman while she was on her way home after a night out in central London in 2008.

After serving a little over ten years in prison, Mukalazi was released on licence in September 2018. However, he was later recalled to prison in 2019 for demonstrating “risky behaviour” towards women at a nightclub the following year. Yet, he was later transferred to an immigration detention centre before being released on immigration bail in 2021.

Despite his first rape conviction revoking his right to remain in the country and a judge recommending that he be deported, the Ugandan migrant was free to roam the streets of London and once again sexually preyed upon a woman last year.

The Old Bailey was told that on November 2nd, Mukalazi was seen by a witness dragging a 66-year-old woman by her feet into the bushes as he attempted to rape her with his trousers around his ankles. The woman suffered serious head wounds during the attack.

Although he initially denied attacking the woman, Mukalazi ultimately pled guilty to attempted rape and causing grievous bodily harm with intent. Defending the Ugandan, Felicia Davy told the court that Mukalazi had been in a “state of desperation” during the attack.

However, this did not convince Judge Paul Dugdale who sentenced the migrant to a life sentence, with a minimum term of 11 years in prison.

“You brutally attacked a 66-year-old woman walking on her own along the street in Hounslow in the darkness of a November morning,” the judge told the defendant.

“You attacked her for the sole purpose of raping her, which is what you then attempted to do.

“You beat her to the head, causing her to suffer a bleed on the brain, causing her to be hospitalised for a week.

“You pose an ongoing risk that you will rape again and in violent circumstances. In my judgement, you are a very dangerous man.”

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Authored by Kurt Zindulka via Breitbart September 9th 2023