UK moves asylum-seekers to a barge to cut costs of sheltering migrants

United Kingdom’s asylum-seekers, which have surged in numbers recently, were previously housed in expensive hotel rooms

Acceptance rate for US asylum seekers at historic low under Trump

Less than one percent of migrants seeking asylum at the southern border have been allowed to stay in the U.S. by judges under President Trump's new policy; William La Jeunesse reports.

  • United Kingdom’s rising number of migrants seeking protection and shelter in the country is becoming more costly for the government.
  • To offset housing costs, the U.K. has transferred a small group of migrants onto a barge moored in southern England. 
  • The floating hostel, which usually provides temporary housing for workers, will house up to 500 migrants in England. 

A small group of asylum-seekers has been moved onto a barge moored in southern England as the U.K. government tries to cut the cost of sheltering people seeking protection in the country, British news media reported Monday.

The asylum-seekers were transferred to the Bibby Stockholm, a floating hostel that will ultimately house up to 500 men, from other sites around the country. More were expected to arrive later Monday as authorities seek to reduce the number of asylum-seekers housed in expensive hotel rooms that were requisitioned on an emergency basis as the number of arrivals has surged in recent years.

The barge, which is owned by UK-based Bibby Marine, is normally used to provide temporary housing for workers when local accommodation isn't available. With three stories of closely packed bedrooms, the barge resembles a college dormitory, though the rooms are utilitarian. It also includes a kitchen, dining area, common rooms and laundry facilities.


uk moves asylum seekers to a barge to cut costs of sheltering migrants

People board the Bibby Stockholm accommodation barge at Portland Port in Dorset, England, on Aug. 7, 2023.  (James Manning/PA via AP)

The Bibby Stockholm is moored in Portland Port on the south coast of England, where some locals have opposed the plan because of concern about the impact on the small surrounding community, which already has a shortage of medical services and is connected to the mainland by a single road. Immigrants rights groups are also opposed, saying it is inappropriate to house asylum-seekers in such accommodation.

The U.K. government wants to use barges and former military bases to accommodate some migrants after the cost of housing them in hotels soared to $2.4 billion last year.

Home Office Minister Sarah Dines told the BBC that people arriving in the U.K. via unauthorized means should have "basic but proper accommodation" and that they "can’t expect to stay in a four-star hotel."

via FoxNews August 7th 2023