Ukraine, Germany finalize bilateral security agreement

Ukraine, Germany finalize bilateral security agreement

Feb. 16 (UPI) — The German and Ukrainian governments concluded a bilateral security cooperation deal Friday as France prepares to finalize its own bilateral agreement.

“Today Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz and I signed an agreement on security cooperation and long-term support between Ukraine and Germany,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky posted to X Friday.

“This is an unprecedented document that guarantees German support for Ukraine in the amount of €7 billion for this year. It envisages weapons delivery under agreed contracts. The agreement also contains Germany’s clear position on sanctions against the aggressor, tribunal and frozen assets,” Zelensky continued.

The deal is intended to last for 10 years.

“Germany is unwavering in its support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within borders, which have been internationally recognized since 1991,” the text of the bilateral agreement reads.

At a joint press conference with Zelensky, Scholz announced that the German government will provide Ukraine with an additional $1.1 billion aid package that includes ammunition and air-defense systems.

“What we’re doing now because of Ukraine is also an important commitment to our own security and future,” said Scholz.

Zelensky arrived in Paris Friday to meet with French President Emmauel Macron and conclude an additional bilateral agreement with France.

“Arrived in Paris. A meeting with President Macron is planned, as well as an important agreement. Our cooperation yields result in the protection of life in Ukraine,” Zelensky posted to X Friday.

Authored by Upi via Breitbart February 16th 2024