Ukraine War Hawks Get Reckless As Desperation Sets In

Anthropomorphic war hawks looking at a map of Ukraine.

The Reality Of Ukraine's Situation Sets In

There's now a growing recognition among the Western foreign policy establishment, that the Ukraine War is not going well for them. That was most recently exemplified by the article in Foreign Affairs linked in the post below. 

News reports that Ukrainian President Zelensky has been trying to oust his top general offer further confirmation that the Ukrainians are in dire straits. That has led to increasing recklessness among Ukraine War hawks in the West. 

Calls To Confiscate Russia's Dollar Assets

Bill Browder, the descendant of communists who ironically led investment firm that sought to profit from the fall of communism in Russia, is one of the prominent Ukraine War hawks calling for confiscating Russia's dollar assets now. 

So is the Prime Minister of Estonia. 

These people don't apparently don't consider second-order effects at all. 

Calls To Prepare For Direct War With Russia

We've also seen increasing calls in Western countries to prepare for direct war with Russia, as Armchair Warlord notes in the thread below. 

Hopefully, someone in Congress will demand debate on plans to confiscate Russia's assets and to mobilize for war against it, so the hawks can be forced to justify their reckless ideas. 

Let's wrap this up on a positive note, with a brief trading update. 

Another Profitable Exit

As we mentioned earlier this week, we had our first trade exit of the week Monday: a 128% gain on an earnings trade on SoFi Technologies (SOFI -0.22%↓). Our second trade exit of the week on Tuesday was a bit less exciting: a 27% gain on bet against Polaris (PII 0.00%↑), but still profitable at least. 

A woman analyzing her stocks ahead of earnings.

And Three More Trades Teed Up For Today

We've got three more earnings trades teed up for today, so keep an eye on your inbox if you've subscribed to our trading Substack/occasional email list. If you haven't subscribed yet and would like to, you can do so below. 


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Authored by Portfolio Armor via ZeroHedge January 31st 2024