Upside Down Finance

Did you know that if you put on a pair of glasses that turns everything upside down within a few minutes your brain corrects the signals and you see the right way up again?

Is this what has happened to us?  Are we so used to a dysfunctional financial system that we have forgotten what a system looks like that actually serves men and women?

For example, how crazy is it that if you want a loan you have to go to a bank where they charge you interest on money they print at a push of a button? 

Why should you pay interest when the money the bank lends you is created out of thin air by virtue of a license they hold from the government?

Crazier still, to receive a loan you have to post collateral like your house.  The bank then has the right to sell your house if you are not making your repayments.

Foreclosure sign outside a house

So you if you want a loan you have to pay interest on money a bank creates from nothing and may lose your most valuable asset if you fail to make the repayments.

I gather life in the gulags began to look normal after a while.  Potato-peel soup anyone?

The problem is that if we accept this upside down world as normal then we are also likely to accept every new dysfunctional aberration as it comes along.

For instance in 2020 the Federal Reserve entered the bond market.  As Zero Hedge’s Tyler Durden reported at the time this effectively ended free markets.  Where was the downside risk if you knew the Fed would always step in and bail out the system?  Yet, to read the articles today about a stock being over-priced you would be excused if you believe the markets are still free.

Are Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) a new dysfunctional arrangement? When it comes to booking your vacation how comfortable are you to having your credit card declined if the government thinks you have not been a good boy or girl?  This is already reality for millions of Chinese.

image of credit card being declined

If you no longer want dysfunctional finance consider putting together and funding a team to build the first iteration of the Goosie coin.

As private Bitcoin-backed gold-pegged money Goosie is designed for an altogether better financial experience.

For example, instead of going to a bank for a loan, you deposit your Bitcoin collateral into the Goosie smart contract.

The smart contract immediately issues you with gold-pegged Goosie to 51% the value of your loan.

Because of their gold peg Goosie are likely to be much in demand instead of inflation-ridden fiat or volatile crypto coins.

Unlike going to the bank there is only you and the smart-contract so you never sign over your collateral to a third party. 

There is no interest to pay.  Who would you pay it to anyway?  Yourself?

There is also no term.  You don’t have to make regular repayments.  In fact you can keep the loan for as long as you like.  Perhaps only repay it when Bitcoin rises so that you can unlock more liquidity by taking out a bigger loan next time.

And because there is no bank, no interest and no term, your collateral is never at risk, even if the value of the Bitcoin falls below the value of the Goosie minted against it.

These are just a few of the ways that Goosie puts an upside down financial system on its feet again. 

You can find more benefits in the Build Rules.

Image of Goosie logo at top of the Build Rules

If you are entrepreneurial Goosie gives you the chance to do well by doing good.  

It is designed to right an upside down world.  As such its addressable market is the $103 trillion global M2 money supply. 

If you launch the first iteration of the coin you receive 0.5% of all Goosie.  As the coin is minted to 51% of the value of the Bitcoin deposited, that gives initial potential earnings of $202 billion. 

All you need to get started is in the Build Rules.





Authored by Derisk via ZeroHedge July 7th 2024