US-Linked Ukrainian NGO Unveils 'Enemies List' Including US Journalists Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi, Alex Jones

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity's Daniel McAdams has revealed a rather concerning US government-affiliated non-governmental organization based in Ukraine that has published a new enemies list that includes American journalists, business leaders, media outlets, websites, and basically anyone who has been critical of the Biden administration. 

NGO "Data Journalism Agency," also known as (TEXTY), published a report last week titled "American swing. From Trumpists to communists, who and how is campaigning for the end of aid to Ukraine."

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

The report intends to smear American conservative journalists, media outlets, and organizations as disseminators of Russian propaganda.

Or anyone who has been critical of Biden... 

A total of 390 individuals and 76 organizations—including politicians, political movements and groups, media outlets, journalists, experts, and think tanks—were added to what McAdams describes as Ukraine's "enemies list." 

Here's more from McAdams:

The report also includes such prominent American politicians and journalists as Sen. JD Vance, Sen. Rand Paul, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rep. Jim Jordan, and Col. Douglas Macgregor.

Even our friends at…and your own correspondent (!) find ourselves appearing on the Ukrainian "enemies list":

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

He continued:

Perhaps what is most shocking about this attack on American citizens is the fact that the Data Journalism Agency (TEXTY) has a long affiliation with the US Government itself! In fact, the founder of the publication Anatoly Bondarenko appears prominently on a US Government website as a participant in the US State Department's "TechCamp" project.

The Data Journalism Agency (TEXTY) is listed as an "Implementing Partner" of the US Agency for International Development's Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services/ TAPAS Project.

The Ukrainians seemingly love to make lists of their "enemies." One of their most notorious of these is the infamous "kill list" put out by the Mirotvorets Center in Kiev. From that list several have already been murdered by Ukraine, including prominent Russian journalist Daria Dugina.

One wonders how, for example, former US President Donald Trump and dozens of members of the US Congress will react when they hear that US tax dollars are being sent to Ukraine for US-backed Ukrainian organizations to make "hate lists" and "kill lists" of patriotic Americans like themselves.

Robby Starbuck chimed in on X, "This is insane. A Ukrainian NGO just put out an enemies list that includes US citizens. This list blames us for Ukraine's issues on the battlefield." 

Starbuck said:

Here's where it gets crazy… The founder of this NGO ( was TRAINED by the US State Department. The list includes me, @elonmusk , @DavidSacks , @Jim_Banks , @RandPaul , @JackPosobiec , @charliekirk11 , @RealCandaceO , @JDVance1 , @michaeljknowles , @HawleyMO , @Eric_Schmitt , @benshapiro , @RonDeSantis , @DonaldJTrumpJr , @realDonaldTrump , @Jim_Jordan , @LauraLoomer , @ggreenwald @TuckerCarlson , @RonPaul , @RepThomasMassie , @timburchett , @dbongino , @TateTheTalisman , @Cobratate , @RobertKennedyJr and more.

Elon Musk has made the list. 

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

"The NGO also received US funds. This is beyond unacceptable. Not only are we being forced to fund a meat grinder killing countless young men and women when peace could've been attained but now that country that's been taking our money has a group targeting US citizens AND the US government trained their founder!" he continued. 

Even more disturbing is the NGO's list targeting journalists. Some of those names include Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, and Alex Jones. 

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

At the end of the report, the NGO wrote, "We value and respect freedom of speech, which is a necessary prerequisite for the existence of a democratic society." 

Now, that's laughable, considering the US-government-affiliated NGO's enemies list targets mainly American conservatives, most of which are seen as political opponents of the Biden administration. 

Here's the US affiliation... 

us linked ukrainian ngo unveils enemies list including us journalists tucker carlson matt taibbi alex jones

On X, Starbuck asked: "Hey @SpeakerJohnson , are you going to call Zelensky about this? How about the State Dept? Will you cut funding? Any consequences at all? People want answers." 

Oh but wait, after this began going viral on social media, they added a disclaimer to say that it's neither "a list of enemies of Ukraine" nor a "kill-list."

This is yet more evidence that NGOs serve as extensions of the deep state intel community, doing what they can't legally do on the surface. So, they must funnel taxpayer money into shady foreign entities, which are then weaponized against their political opponents domestically.  It also further proves that Ukraine is merely a puppet of Washington, but we already know that. It's time to investigate shady NGOs. 

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge June 10th 2024