Washington, Texas spar over anti-migrant river buoys

washington texas spar over anti migrant river buoys

Texas Governor Greg Abbott pushed back Monday at a US Justice Department threat to sue the state over anti-migrant buoys placed in the Rio Grande river at the border with Mexico.

The department told the state late last week that the huge orange buoys near Eagle Pass, Texas illegally obstructed river navigation and lacked federal permissions.

“This floating barrier poses a risk to navigation, as well as public safety, in the Rio Grande River, and it presents humanitarian concerns,” the department said.

In a reply letter addressed to President Joe Biden Monday, Abbott said that he had the power to protect the “sovereign” interests of Texas by installing the buoys.

He accused Biden of not fulfilling his own responsibilities to halt the flow of migrants over the southern border with Mexico.

“If you truly care about human life, you must begin enforcing federal immigration laws,” Abbott wrote.

“By doing so, you can help me stop migrants from wagering their lives in the waters of the Rio Grande River,” he said.

“Texas will see you in court, Mr President,” he added.

The string of buoys was installed in the river at the popular migrant crossing point this month, along with large barriers of razor wire on the shore.

According to reports some migrants have gotten caught in the razor wire and required rescue.

In addition, a leaked US Customs and Border Protection memo said the razor wire placed by state agents interfered with its own border patrol operations.

Abbott released his letter before the Justice Department’s 2:00 pm Eastern time (1800 GMT) deadline for Texas to enter talks or face a federal lawsuit.

Authored by Afp via Breitbart July 24th 2023