WATCH – Personal Space: Woman Yells at Passenger over Reclining Airplane Seats

A video clip shows a woman yelling at a fellow passenger during an unknown flight, the tirade apparently erupting due to reclining seats, the New York Post reported Thursday.

The clip shows a blonde woman turned around in her seat as passengers around her watch the awkward scene unfold. The woman appears to be yelling at a man in the row behind her.

“The whole trip she pushed my seat!” the blonde woman says to the man. “You seen it. No, she did. She put… no! I’m allowed to put my seat back, I’m allowed to put my seat back!”

During the argument, the man waved his hands in the air, apparently trying to calm the situation.

When the blonde woman accused the other passenger of pushing her seat, the man said, “Both of y’all were doing the same thing.”

Social media users were quick to offer their thoughts on the video, one person writing, “If the option to recline is there then recline. I bet the person blocking them reclined their seat.”

Another user had a more detailed explanation of airplane seating etiquette:

There is a gray area with the reclining seats during a flight. Unfortunately it is what it is and you have to accept someone getting in your personal space and moving your tray/screen closer or away from you. The only people i feel bad is the very back row because those seats don’t recline much being closer to the wall!

“Simple solution…. Reclining seats on commercial aircraft should be retrofitted with the inability to recline,” yet another person commented.

In 2019, another awkward travel situation happened when airline employees were forced to remove a woman from a United Airlines flight once she became angry about being seated between “two big pigs,” Breitbart News reported.

When a passenger on the flight from Las Vegas to Newark told the woman she should be ashamed of herself for her actions, the woman said, “I’m not politically correct. Why don’t you try and sit between those two big pigs?”

In July, another airplane passenger horrified flight attendants when she squatted and peed on the aircraft’s floor.

The woman had allegedly been denied access to the restroom, but it was unclear why.

Authored by Amy Furr via Breitbart November 3rd 2023