When Liberalism Meets Reality

A young man and a vagrant in a hospital gown.
A young man learns vagrants aren't easy to help.

When Liberalism Meets Reality 

After Hurricane Katrina, a number of compassionate liberals opened their wallets and their homes to evacuees from New Orleans. Many soon came to regret those decisions. One particular couple comes to mind, a lesbian trucker and her stay-at-home partner in Minnesota, who hosted a single mother and her children from New Orleans. That led to all sorts of problems for them, and came to a head when they found out the single mother had shared their address with her ex-boyfriend who was in prison back in Louisiana. In the end, one of the lesbians said, 

We've busted our asses. I won't help anyone for the rest of my life. I won't put my family through it.

That story came to mind after we read the extraordinary X thread below, about a young man and his wife who tried to help a vagrant they saw on the street. Following that thread, we'll close with a brief trading note. 

"I'm Not Sure I Made An Ounce Of Difference"

Fortunately, neither Aaron nor his wife were harmed by this vagrant, and hopefully he has learned something about the limits of compassion in dealing with difficult people. Let's wrap this up on a more positive note, with a brief trading update. 

Looking For Another Winner 

Yesterday, we exited our first earnings trade of the week, for a 119% gain, a bearish bet on Logitech (LOGI 0.00%↑). We have a bullish trade teed up for today, one we think might be good for another triple-digit gain. If you'd like a heads up when we place it, be sure to subscribe to our trading Substack/occasional email list below. 


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Authored by Portfolio Armor via ZeroHedge January 24th 2024