Snatching Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory
Yesterday, Zero Hedge noted the despair of New York Mayor Eric Adams at the illegal migration crisis in his city. This is the latest example of the Democrats snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It's instructive to think about how they had pretty much everything they wanted ten years ago, and how they're much worse off today as a consequence of their policies.
In 2013, the Democrats had won a second term for their "storybook" President, in the immortal words of his Vice President, Joe Biden:
I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.
On top of that, some of America's largest cities, like New York and Chicago, were led by liberal technocrats who proved that Democrats could be competent mayors (technically, Bloomberg ran as a Republican to avoid the Democratic primary, but he had been a lifelong Democrat up until that point).
Flash forward to today and Democrat-run cities like New York and Chicago are in steep decline, while Democrats have embraced policies that would have been considered insane ten years ago, like fighting a proxy war with Russia in its front yard, or giving minors sex changes. The thread below talks about how they got here, and asks why no smart Democrat has tried to pull the emergency brake cord on this crazy train.
Going Off The Rails On A Crazy Train
Michael Bloomberg was still running NYC in 2013, and the city was so safe that young women felt free to jog by themselves at night in Manhattan.
— David Pinsen (@dpinsen) September 7, 2023
He demonstrated you could be liberal about most stuff if you had a little of Lee Kwan Yew's iron in you about the important stuff.
By 2020, even Michael Bloomberg had cucked, renouncing his policies that kept New York safe as he burned tens of millions in a quixotic Presidential campaign.
— David Pinsen (@dpinsen) September 7, 2023
And after Hurricane Floyd, Democrats nationally gave up on law enforcement...
And under Biden they opened the illegal migration floodgates even though they'd already achieved enough demographic change/election fortification to get Biden's desiccated husk an unprecedented 81 million votes.
— David Pinsen (@dpinsen) September 7, 2023
With no effective opposition party to hit the breaks, they're just cannonballing on everything.
— David Pinsen (@dpinsen) September 7, 2023
Even in Weimar Germany, were children's hospitals Frankensteining "neovaginas" out of teen boys' colons?
They've managed to combine the Weimar degeneracy (minus the Weimar art scene) with a Hitlerian zeal for producing prodigious numbers of corpses in the Ukraine.
— David Pinsen (@dpinsen) September 7, 2023
And not one Dem pundit is willing to pull the emergency break cord on all this?
In Case You Missed It
Exciting thing are happening on our trading Substack, like booking a 350% gain on half of this options trade this week.
Sometimes asymmetric bets make sense.
— Portfolio Armor (@PortfolioArmor) August 19, 2023
The other half of those options expire next week. Will we make money on those too? Feel free to sign up for our trading Substack/occasional email list below to find out.
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