White House claim Hunter Biden 'is a private citizen' falls flat: 'Private citizen with a motorcade'

Karine Jean-Pierre repeatedly shut down questions on President Biden's son

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s insistence that Hunter Biden is a "private citizen" amidst his legal troubles drew criticism on social media

After Hunter’s plea deal fell through earlier that morning, reporters were eager to question the press secretary on his ongoing legal issues. However, at the top of the press briefing, Jean-Pierre remarked that she would refer journalists to Hunter’s legal team and reminded them that he is "a private citizen."

"I know many people have been following the news in Delaware today and are going to have a lot of questions. And so, here’s what I’ll say at the top before I turn it over to my colleague, the admiral. Hunter Biden is a private citizen, and this was a personal matter for him. As we have said, the president, the First Lady, they love their son, and they support him as he continues to rebuild his life," Jean-Pierre said.

Multiple Twitter users attacked the suggestion, pointing out all the benefits that Hunter has received as Biden’s son.

white house claim hunter biden is a private citizen falls flat private citizen with a motorcade

Karine Jean-Pierre answering a question during a White House press briefing. (Fox News)


"That'll work," Fox News contributor Ben Domenech commented.

"A private citizen with a motorcade," former Arizona Attorney General nominee Abe Hamadeh noted.

Former NYPD detective Rob O’Donnell wrote, "But yet the Candidacy set up the laptop disinformation campaign. He lives at the White House. Travels with his Father on Official business. Is at his Fathers side advising him on Official appearances. Has evidence he is actually in business with his Father. Has used influence of dad."

Substack writer Jim Treacher tweeted, "He absolutely is not a private citizen, and I don't care how much his dad loves him."

GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel explained, "Whether or not Joe Biden was directly involved with his family’s schemes – as text messages, emails, photos, visitor logs, and on-the-record accounts all suggest – is not a ‘personal matter.’"

white house claim hunter biden is a private citizen falls flat private citizen with a motorcade

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre repeatedly avoided questions regarding Hunter Biden. (Getty Images)

Jean-Pierre repeatedly avoided and shut down questions by reporters regarding Hunter Biden, claiming that he already took part in an independent investigation.

"This was an independent investigation that was overseen by the Department of Justice. As we've been very clear, they are independent. We give them the space to do their work. We believe in the rule of law. I just don't have anything else to share on this. I would refer you to the Department of Justice. Again, this was done independently, and I would also refer you to Hunter's representatives," Jean-Pierre answered.


Reporters also pushed back against her suggestion that "nothing has changed" regarding the language used to discuss Biden’s alleged involvement with his son’s business deals.

"Moments ago, you said that nothing has changed when you were asked about the president's previous remarks on his son's business dealings. But the language has in fact changed. So I just want to clear this up once and for all. The president has previously said that he never discussed overseas business dealings with his son, but the White House now says that the president has never been in business with his son. So why the updated language? Which statement is true, or is this semantics, and they're both true?" Wegmann asked.

white house claim hunter biden is a private citizen falls flat private citizen with a motorcade

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre denied that the language surrounding President Biden's alleged business deals with his son Hunter had changed. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

"As I stated on Monday, when I was asked this question multiple times, nothing has changed. Nothing has changed on this," Jean-Pierre answered.

Lindsay Kornick is an associate editor for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and on Twitter: @lmkornick.

Authored by Lindsay Kornick via FoxNews July 26th 2023