‘You Could Smell the Bear’: Black Bear Devours Picnic Lunch of Mexican Family

While a mother and son enjoyed a picnic birthday lunch in Chipinque Park, Mexico, a black bear jumped onto the picnic table and devoured their lunch inches from their faces.

Video shows Silvia Macías covering her 15-year-old son Santiago’s eyes as the bear chowed down on French fries, enchiladas, tacos, and salsa, CBS News reported. The family had traveled from their home in Mexico City to the park to celebrate Santiago’s birthday. Santiago has Down syndrome, and Macías was worried about how he would react to seeing the bear.  

“Santiago is very afraid of animals, a cat or a dog, any animal scares him a lot,” Macías told the Associated Press (AP). “That’s why I covered his eyes, because I didn’t want him to see it and scream or run. I was afraid that if he got scared or screamed or scared the bear, that the bear would react.”

Luckily, Santiago remained motionless as the bear devoured away. 

“The bear was very close to us, we heard him as he growled, as he ate, you could smell the bear. It was really very very close.”

Macías’ friend Angela Chapa, who recorded the encounter, stepped in and threw an enchilada on the ground, luring the bear to leave. 

During the encounter, Macías remained calm and collective, with those online calling her hero, the New York Post reported

But Macías disagrees. 

“I just think I’m a mother who protected her cub,” she said.

The black bear is considered endemic to North America with a population of approximately 600,000. Just last week, a black bear sighting at Disney World caused parts of the park to temporarily close.

Authored by Elaine Mallon via Breitbart September 27th 2023