There had been America haters in the past, but the ’60s was the decade when these ideas took root
Trump has stopped America’s DEI ‘scandal,’ JD Vance says in exclusive interview
Vice President JD Vance sets the record straight with President Donald Trump’s approach to DEI and more during an appearance on ‘Sunday Morning Futures.’
President Trump has certainly undertaken a systematic demolition of Biden’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) regime since returning to the Oval Office. But Trump is also going further. He appears intent on correcting the distortion of the original pledges of the Civil Rights Movement.
In other words, Donald Trump is not only dispatching Bidenism to the dustbin of history, he is also on the warpath against the radical ‘60s.
And this is really, really good news. Many of the things that conservatives are setting out to dismantle have their origin in that fateful decade.
President Lyndon Johnson delivers a State of the Union message to a joint session of Congress outlining his vision of a "Great Society," on Jan. 4, 1965. (Getty Images)
For DEI – which Trump with his many executive orders has now made illegal to carry out throughout the federal government, its contractors and grantees, and also wants to discourage in the private sector – is awful not just because preferences are odious.
DEI is dangerous because what it really sets out to do is reprogram Americans with a new belief; to make them reject their history and culture and hate their society, and condition them to accept a new dispensation, one that includes accepting group rather than individual rights, collective action over personal initiative, and central planning rather than markets.
To put one word on it, it’s Marxism.
DEI seeks to accomplish this indoctrination through many ways. One was its many workplace or schoolhouse trainings, which cajoled individuals to look inside themselves so they could root out "subconscious bias," or areas of "privilege," or uttered "microaggressions," and other such nonsense that suddenly became commonplace words.
There were also the writings and charts that sought to instill explicitly racist and illegal beliefs such as that loving to read and write, punctuality, and linear thinking were elements of "Whiteness."
There was also the toppling of statues of giants such as Washington, Jefferson and Frederick Douglass, and their constant denigration.
Abraham Lincoln statue defaced in Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood in November 2022. (WFLD)
There was much, much more, but this jogs our memory to the trance state that Trump seems intent on rescuing the country from.
Joe Biden put these practices on steroids. He started on day one of his administration by signing Executive Order 13985, which called for every department and agency to make DEI a priority of their work. The EO had reverberations through Biden’s four snake-bitten years in office.
"The Biden Administration forced illegal and immoral discrimination programs, going by the name ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ (DEI), into virtually all aspects of the Federal Government, in areas ranging from airline safety to the military. This was a concerted effort stemming from President Biden’s first day in office, when he issued Executive Order 13985… That ends today," wrote Trump in a day-one EO that set in motion his DEI demolition derby.
It was in a day-two EO, also on DEI, that we first got to see how far the new administration was willing to head. It rescinded many previous executive actions, including EOs by Obama, Clinton, Nixon, and, pointedly, one by Lyndon B. Johnson. That was EO 11246, which LBJ signed in September 1965.
EO 11246 was the first government action that required federal contractors to share the racial makeup of their workforce, and overtime became the touchstone for racial quotas.
LBJ signed that order three months after a Howard University commencement address which became the turning point for the Civil Rights Movement’s approach to race. Up to that speech, the promoters of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and of civil rights in general, had sworn on stacks of Bibles that it would never degenerate into race-conscious hiring and promotion.
The phrase "affirmative action," as it was contained in one of President John F. Kennedy’s first EOs, explicitly promised color-blindness in contracting. (Associated Press)
The phrase "affirmative action," as it was contained in one of President John F. Kennedy’s first EOs, explicitly promised color-blindness in contracting: "The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin."
But Johnson’s Howard speech was the start of reneging on that pledge and interpreting affirmative action to mean racial preferences.
"But freedom is not enough," said Johnson. "You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, ‘you are free to compete with all the others,’ and still justly believe that you have been completely fair."
Thence on, affirmative action meant preferences with regard to race, the opposite of JFK’s promise, and EO 11246 operationalized that, until Trump rescinded it.
It was during the 1960s, too, that the culture-tearing ideas that animate DEI took hold. There had been America haters in the past, usually among the intellectual classes. But the ’60s was the decade when these ideas took root.
DEI applies the beliefs of critical race theory – that America is "systemically racist," that "White supremacy" is our base philosophy, and that America is an oppressive society. These falsehoods all go back to the ‘60s.
Demonstrators gather in protest on Oct. 27, 2020 in Philadelphia. (Mark Makela/Getty Images)
And the radicals who trained or were mentors to the Marxist founders of Black Lives Matter, men and women like Eric Mann and Angela Davis, were also all ‘60s radicals. BLM almost fulfilled their dreams of radicalizing America.
And it was BLM’s riots in 2020, an uprising really, that instilled in Biden the urge to put DEI on a 24/7 tempo, and convinced so many Americans that the lies were true.
Which is why Trump must indeed rescind the radicalism of the ‘60s.
Mike Gonzalez is a Senior Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. His latest book is "BLM: The Making of a New Marxist Revolution."