Kamala Harris is the architect of 'America Last' border policies

The border crisis of the last few years foreshadows what we can expect if Kamala Harris assumes the Oval Office

Chad Wolf: Biden border executive action is 'too little, too late'

Former acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf reacts to expected White House executive order on immigration as the border crisis continues.

Now that Kamala Harris has become the Democrat presidential nominee, she and her campaign are desperately trying to convince the American people that the policies of a Harris-Walz administration will look dramatically different than the current administration’s failures. 

Take the Biden-Harris administration’s self-inflicted border crisis, where candidate Harris recently claimed at a campaign event that, if elected president, she would fight for "strong border security." This tough talk is a veneer that crumbles under scrutiny. 

For three and a half years, Vice President Harris has served as the administration’s "border czar." Under her leadership, this is the first administration in our nation’s history to actively take steps to undermine border security. The American people should not be fooled by tough rhetoric on the campaign trail. Instead, the results of the last few years foreshadow what we can expect if Harris assumes the Oval Office.

Kamala Harris uses hand gestures as she talks to the press

Vice President Kamala Harris talks to the media after stepping off Air Force Two, June 25, 2021, on arrival to El Paso, Texas. Harris was visiting the southern border as part of her role leading the Biden administrations response to a steep increase in migration. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Here’s a reminder of some of the most radical border policies that Harris devised to the detriment of the American people and the benefit of the Mexican drug cartels and human traffickers.


On day one, the Biden-Harris administration created this historic humanitarian security crisis through a series of intentional policy decisions, including ending the Trump administration’s successful Remain in Mexico policy; imposing a 100-day deportation freeze on all illegal aliens, including criminals; and implementing a nationwide catch-and-release policy that guaranteed illegal aliens would be allowed into American communities. 

In total, the Biden-Harris administration took 94 executive actions within the first 100 days to dismantle the proven America First policies of the Trump administration.

An unprecedented surge of illegal immigration followed. Thus far, more than 10 million illegal aliens have been encountered entering the country unlawfully, plus nearly 2 million known "gotaways," who evaded Border Patrol agents and have disappeared into American communities. 


Recent claims by the Biden-Harris administration that their policies are working and illegal immigration is lower than when President Trump left office are blatantly dishonest. More illegal aliens have crossed into our country every month , since March 2021, than the worst month during the Trump administration. 

Now, the Biden-Harris administration is trying to hide the full extent of illegal immigration by redirecting illegal aliens to the ports of entry and falsely calling this a "lawful pathway" and flying more than 500,000 illegal aliens from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela and Nicaragua directly into their preferred American community through another abuse of the parole authority.

The inhumanity of these open border policies cannot be overstated. 


More than 500,000 vulnerable unaccompanied alien children have been trafficked into the country under Border Czar Harris’s watch. The administration has lost track of at least 85,000 of them after releasing them to unvetted adults and has not provided any updates since The New York Times first exposed this failure in 2023. 

Innocent Americans like Laken Riley, Rachel Morin and Jocelyn Nungaray were brutally murdered by illegal aliens that Biden-Harris policies allowed into American communities. And an unknown number of migrant women have been raped and assaulted during their journey to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Expect more of the same should Kamala Harris prevail in November. Her recent public remarks include reiterating support for the flawed Senate immigration bill that garnered bipartisan opposition and a call for mass amnesty. 


Harris opposes H.R. 2, the strongest border security bill ever introduced, which the House passed more than a year ago, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., refuses to bring to the floor. She even claimed that illegal immigration is not a violation of law. 

When I ran the Department of Homeland Security during the Trump administration, I listened to and empowered Border Patrol and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers to do their statutory job. Harris knowingly smeared the Border Patrol agents involved in the horse-whipping hoax and supports abolishing ICE. 

Real leadership involves supporting your law enforcement personnel, not berating them to score political points with the far left.

For three and a half years, Vice President Harris and others in the administration have refused to use existing authority to secure the border. It took an election year for the administration to even acknowledge that the border situation was a crisis – a fact the American people have known for some time. 

Actions speak louder than words, and the American people should not forget that Kamala Harris is the architect of the America Last border policies that have overwhelmed our schools, hospitals and resources and made our communities more dangerous.


Chad Wolf is the former acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and executive director and chair of the Center for Homeland Security and Immigration at the America First Policy Institute.

Authored by Chad Wolf via FoxNews August 17th 2024