11K Migrants Caught Entering Arizona Border Sector in One Week, 40K This Month

11k migrants caught entering arizona border sector in one week 40k this month
U.S. Border Patrol/Tucson Sector

Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended approximately 11,000 migrants during the past week, according to the sector chief. Unofficial Border Patrol reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas reveal the apprehension of approximately 40,000 migrants so far this month.

Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin posted a report on X indicating his agents apprehended approximately 11,000 migrants during the past week. One of those migrants was a convicted rapist who was deported after a conviction in the state of Washington.

Modlin’s report states that the agents also carried out 500 rescue missions and interdicted 15 human smuggling attempts.

Unofficial reports reviewed by Breitbart Texas show that Tucson Sector agents apprehended approximately 40,000 migrants so far this month.


Tucson Sector agents arrested Gildardo Zacarias-Ventura, a Mexican national, who crossed the border near Douglas, Arizona on September 18, Modlin posted on X. A criminal background check uncovered a conviction in the state of Washington in 2013 for rape. An immigration judge ordered the Mexican national removed from the U.S. in 2014, Modlin reported.

With one week to go in Fiscal Year 23, Tucson Sector agents more than 360,000 migrants into custody. Nearly 49,000 of those were apprehended in August when a new surge of migrants leveraged the welded-open gates in the border wall, near Lukeville, Arizona.

Chief Modlin warned migrants that illegally crossing between ports of entry could result in “arrest, removal, and a “ban on reentry.” However, mass migrant releases by Border Patrol agents contradict that assertion which has also been stated by nearly every Biden administration official above Modlin’s level.

Bob Price is the Breitbart Texas-Border team’s associate editor and senior news contributor. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.

Authored by Bob Price via Breitbart September 24th 2023