87K Fentanyl Pills, Meth, Heroin Seized in Washington State from Alleged Cartel-Connected Smuggler

Drugs and Guns Tacoma (Tacoma Police Department)
Tacoma Police Department

BORDER TOWN USA: Police in Tacoma, Washington, seized approximately 87,000 fentanyl pills from an alleged drug trafficker connected to a Mexican cartel, city officials said in a written statement. The officers also found 83 pounds of methamphetamine and heroin allegedly being brought from the Mexican border to Washington.

“During the investigation, it was uncovered that the suspect had connections with cartel members near the United States Southern Border,” Tacoma Police Department Public Information Officer William Muse said in a written statement. “Subsequently, the suspect would transport large quantities of narcotics back to Tacoma for distribution along the Pacific Avenue Corridor.”

Breitbart Texas reached out to Tacoma police officials for the identity of the alleged drug trafficker and their nationality. The official said they are not allowed to release that information. The Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office officials were not available for comment.

Police say the suspect “specialized in the distribution of fentanyl, methamphetamine, and heroin” along the Pacific Avenue corridor. Investigators learned the suspect has connections with cartel members near the United States southern border. The suspect would allegedly transport large quantities of the drugs back to the Tacoma area.

Investigators report the seized drugs have an estimated value of $550,000. In addition to the drugs, investigators reportedly seized a handgun loaded with armor-piercing rounds. Police described the bullets as “cop-killer bullets.” Police also seized body armor worn by the suspect during the arrest, officials stated.

A search of the suspect’s residence led to the seizure of four additional firearms. Police say two of these guns were reported stolen. Included in the seizure were two .556 caliber rifles modified into “pistol” configuration, the statement revealed. Additional armor-piercing ammunition was also seized from the home.

“This investigation and subsequent arrest represent a significant victory in addressing the opioid and fentanyl crisis while also mitigating the violence linked with narcotics trafficking,” Muse concluded.

Bob Price is the Breitbart Texas-Border team’s associate editor and senior news contributor. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday morning talk show. He also serves as president of Blue Wonder Gun Care Products 

Authored by Bob Price via Breitbart February 22nd 2024