Afghanistan Gold Star Parent: No One Has Explained Biden’s Claims About Advice He Got That Have Been Contradicted

On Monday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Rob Schmitt Tonight,” Darin Hoover Sr. — whose son, Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover Jr., was killed during the Kabul airport attack during the withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 — said that despite a push for one, the families of those killed in the bombing have never gotten an explanation for why President Joe Biden claimed no one advised him to keep troops in Afghanistan, a claim that has been contradicted by multiple officials from his administration.

Host Joe Pinion said, “President Biden…stood before the country, he assured us it was the unanimous recommendation of his senior advisers to remove every single last troop from Afghanistan, and then we heard testimony from the chairman of the joint chiefs saying that it was his recommendation to leave 2,500 troops behind. And it appears to me that there’s much daylight in between those two characterizations that we, as a country, have never been able to get full clarity on. Have you and those other thirteen — other twelve Gold Star families, have you guys received any clarity on that?”

Hoover responded, “We have received nothing, absolutely zero. And…the questions you just posed are the same ones that we’re trying to get the answers [to], and that’s what we’re fighting for, is to see why this happened, how this happened. It’s the most…uncharacteristic exit from a war — other than maybe Vietnam — that I’ve ever seen in my lifetime and ever read about in history, because these guys act like they’re uncaring. It’s just kind of laissez-faire with them, and, again, it’s disgusting, it’s vile, and we’re demanding the answers, yes.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart September 2nd 2024