Alex Marlow: Biden Could ‘Win Again’ if People ‘Don’t Start Taking This Guy Seriously’

alex marlow biden could win again if people dont start taking this guy seriously
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

In a Wednesday interview about his New York Times bestselling book Breaking Biden, Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow told Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk that President Joe Biden could “win again” if people “don’t start taking this guy seriously.”

Biden is “a nasty, vindictive person,” Marlow told Kirk during an interview on The Charlie Kirk Show.

“This [is] a guy who lost his wife and child in a car crash, and then when his brother was involved in something similar… Joe gives [the victims] the cold shoulder. [It’s] one of the most chilling things; all the details are in the book,” Marlow explained.

Marlow went on to disclose what he learned after researching how someone like Biden could land himself in the White House, despite being unpopular and having no real talents:

How could a guy without any real gifts, doesn’t seem to be particularly popular, isn’t inspiring ideologically, how could get there? And the answer that I came up with through hours and hours of research is that he was part of building the apparatus that selected him, and he wasn’t just propped up — the guy was forging a lot of the gears that made the machinery of the Democrat Party.

He has a rolodex built from over 50 years. And when he was emerging — remember that he was ready to pass the torch onto his son, Beau, who he said, I think it was the day of his inauguration, that it should be Beau that was standing up there and not him — that was the whole plan, was to pass the dynasty onto Beau, but Beau passed away.

“So, when it turned out that there was no natural successor to Barack Obama, when there was no natural emerging force, Joe was the guy who had the most knowledge of the system, the most ability to operate the system,” Marlow said.

alex marlow biden could win again if people dont start taking this guy seriously

“That’s how the Democrats truly operate,” he added. “They are looking for operators, and Joe was the ultimate operator.”

Marlow also noted that Biden’s infamous and continuous gaffes are not anything new.

“He’s always done this nutty stuff,” Marlow told Kirk. “He’s always said crazy things, he’s always had racist comments, he’s always looked like he was about to fall over or pass out or get lost. He’s been doing this forever.”

“I realized he wasn’t deteriorating mentally the same way everyone else on the right just assumes he is. I still think he’s deteriorating to some extent, but I realized he’s always been this way,” Marlow said.

Marlow then issued a warning to listeners, saying that Biden “could actually win again” if people aren’t careful.

“If we don’t start taking this guy seriously, we have fallen for a trap, because he’s constantly been bumbling and stumbling, and getting lost, and he keeps winning,” he said.

“We can’t shake this guy, and that’s why the hard reset needs to take place,” Marlow added. “We need to come to terms with it. He’s beating us, and we can put an end to it, and the playbook is in this book.”

Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration is available in hardcover, eBook, and audiobook read by the author.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

Authored by Alana Mastrangelo via Breitbart October 12th 2023