Ana Navarro: ‘Shame on People’ Who Keep Voting for Pro-NRA Republicans

Ana Navarro told her co-hosts Friday on ABC’s “The View” that people who vote for Republicans who take money from the National Rifle Association (NRA) should be ashamed.

During a discussion on the mass shooting in Maine, Navarro said, “I think the tremendous disconnect between Republicans in America and Republicans in Washington is the NRA. The Republicans in Washington are bought and paid for by special interests, by gun manufacturers, and that’s who they are responding to and that’s who they are representing, not their constituents.”

She continued, “It should not take for there to be a mass gun tragedy in your district for you to change your mind. It shouldn’t take for you to lose somebody in your family for you to change your mind, because I don’t know how anybody in America right now feels safe.”

Ana Navarro added, “You know, yesterday I was watching the news on this and it is so striking to see news anchors in Israel and in the Middle East covering what’s happening there and those countries in Ukraine and Israel and Gaza, it’s extreme terrorists killing people. In America, it’s Americans killing Americans. We are our own worst enemies and our Congress is paralyzed and incapable of doing anything to address it because they cower of the special interests of the NRA and shame on them and shame on people who keep voting for them.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart October 27th 2023