April 2024 Marks 57th Consecutive Month of One Million-Plus Background Checks for Gun Sales

gun sales
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

April 2024 marked the fifty-seventh consecutive month of more than one million National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks for gun sales or transfers.

On April 2, 2024, Breitbart News reported that March ended with more than 1.4 million NICS checks for gun sales, which stretched the streak of more than one million background checks a month to 56 months.

FBI records of NICS checks from April show the streak has now reached 57 months.

The total number of NICS checks for April was nearly 2.4 million, and that includes checks on concealed carry permit holders and others beyond the scope of simple gun sales.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) took the FBI data and ascertained that more than 1.2 million NICS checks were for gun sales/transfers.

Mark Oliva, NSSF’s manager and director of public affairs, commented:

President Biden has used every tool at his disposal to attack the firearm industry, from publishing Constitutionally-dubious and overreaching administrative rules that bypass Congress to create criminal law to weaponizing the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security to throttle firearm and ammunition manufacturers and exporters. He attacks gun owners while ignoring criminals. Americans reject these misdirected and politically motivated maneuvers to infringe on their Second Amendment freedoms and punish the industry that makes it possible to exercise the rights to keep and bear arms. By the millions, for 57 months straight, Americans choose to lawfully purchase, keep and use the firearms of their choosing.

It is important to note the figure of 1.2 million-plus NICS checks for April may not correlate precisely with the number of guns sold, as NICS checks are done on the buyer rather than the gun(s) purchased. A buyer who passes a background check may buy more than one gun while in the store.

WATCH — AWR Hawkins: Universal Background Checks = Gun Registry


AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio, and a pro-staffer for Pulsar Night Vision. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal in 2010 and holds a Ph.D. in Military History, with a focus on the Vietnam War (brown water navy), U.S. Navy since Inception, the Civil War, and Early Modern Europe. Beef is his favorite vegetable. Follow him on Instagram: @awr_hawkins. You can sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange. Reach him directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Authored by Awr Hawkins via Breitbart May 3rd 2024