Asa Hutchinson: Biden Impeachment Inquiry Premature, ‘Could Backfire’

Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR) said Tuesday on CNN’s “The Situation Room” that House Republicans who wanted to move forward with the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden were acting prematurely.

Hutchinson said, “I think it’s premature. I know that Speaker mccarthy is in a difficult position, and i support him as speaker. i want him to navigate through this. I know he’s trying to do his best there. There has to be an investigation. Whenever you have the questions about the president’s own financing, whether he had a benefit from his son’s dealings, that is something that could backfire if it’s not handled very appropriately.”

He continued, “I think what’s important is we should not even have gone down the path of impeachment until we get the facts on the table more completely. There’s a lot of smoke there. There’s a lot of concern and a legitimate area of inquiry that we have to get to the bottom of. But let’s wait till we get the facts before we know exactly whether we want to put the label impeachment on it or not.”

Hutchinson added, “I’ve seen plenty of evidence that he needs to respond to. He hasn’t done that effectively. I haven’t seen the evidence exactly where that money trail goes. But those are legitimate areas of inquiry because we’re dealing with our policies and influence of money.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart September 12th 2023