At Least He's Not A Communist...

Trump is exasperating.  But he’s not a communist.

The election that’s already under way (in part because of Trump’s exasperating failure to do anything to prevent states from turning Election Day into Election Months during the last year of his presidency) can be reduced to this simple maxim, which maybe Trump ought to tout.

at least hes not a communist

At least I’m not a communist.

I’d vote for that. Probably a working majority of Americans would vote for that as the alternative to that is something most Americans never imagined could actually come to America. And that is precisely why it already has.

at least hes not a communist

Most of the major planks of the Communist Manifesto have been part of American life for a century or even longer. Government control of education; “progressive” income taxes. And – above all – the effective elimination of private property by eliminating even the possibility of ever owning it. If you don’t think so, see what happens when you fail to pay the property taxes on the home you allow yourself to think you own but which you’re merely allowed to occupy, for as long as you keep paying for the privilege. That is not owning. It is renting.

Americans have not only gotten used to communism, many of them are communists. They prefer to call themselves Democrats – and Republicans, for that matter. But both believe in the same things that communists do, just to lesser or more degrees. Neither believes that what you earn is yours and that no one else has a right to a “fair share” of it. Neither believes that the education of children is the obligation of parents and – failing that – of other adults who are willing to pick up the slack at the expense of their own time and money. As opposed to voting to have the slack picked up by other people’s time and money.

at least hes not a communist

Neither likes the idea of leaving others alone, even if they don’t like those others and disagree with whatever it is those others are doing, so long as whatever they’re doing isn’t actually imposing costs on others or harming others. They are both in favor of plans – theirs – and you are expected to abide by them.

Trump is cut from the same cloth – but he is at least not a communist. He has lots of plans, as for instance his plan to (somehow) reduce the exploding cost of car insurance. His plan does not include ending the compulsion that is fundamentally responsible for the exploding cost of car insurance. So we cannot expect to be allowed to eliminate the exploding cost of car insurance by being freed to not buy it.

at least hes not a communist

But at least he’s not a communist.

Trump continues to take credit for the “beautiful” drugs he helped to push, by using the power of the federal government to eliminate the usual safety testing protocols (bad enough) and enable the drug-pushers to be in a position to literally push their drugs on people, something no seller of what are styled “street drugs” has ever done. People have always been free to Just Say No – to marijuana, cocaine and so on. But millions of Americans were not free to Just Say No to the “beautiful” drugs pushed on them by Pfizer, via the weight of the federal government.

But at least he’s not a communist.

It seems it has come to down to that. It is not much and yet it may be everything. Emphasis on may. Trump talks a lot – in his disjointed way – about a lot of things, most of which he never does anything about, such as lock her up as a for-instance.

But at least he’s not a communist and – just maybe – this time he will do rather than say he’ll do. And we can be sure of what the communists – the last Democrat, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,is now a Republican – will do. Because we know what communists always do. Their plan is always the same.

Ergo, the appeal of at least he’s not a communist.

at least hes not a communist

It is a choice many of us would prefer not to have to make, but it is the only choice on the table. And – just maybe – a sufficient number of Americans will begin to question the acceptance of communism by drabs and dribbles that led to the current state of things.

Maybe Trump, himself, will begin to understand that the lesser of two evils is still evil and that communism is just about as evil it gets.

Authored by Eric Peters via September 25th 2024