Axelrod on Charges Dems Covered Up Biden’s Decline: GOP Overlooks ‘Far More’ About Trump

During CNN’s coverage of President Joe Biden’s speech on Wednesday, CNN Senior Political Commentator and former Obama Adviser David Axelrod responded to charges that Democrats, including the White House and 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris lied about President Joe Biden’s ability to serve by stating that “there are so many Republicans who I talk to who are overlooking far more than this, and they’ll tell you that, about Donald Trump.”

Axelrod said that President Joe Biden left the race because his polling numbers were terrible, which was “helped along” by Republicans “for five years.”

Later, CNN Senior Political Commentator and former Bush official Scott Jennings stated, “I think what you’re asking Republicans to do is to overlook a lot of dishonesty that came right out of this White House, that came right out of the Vice President, people who worked for him, his family, other Democrats, Democrats in Congress. You’re asking the country to overlook a lot of dishonesty about Joe Biden’s abilities, capabilities, his capacity to serve for another four years, and so on. … He did arrive at this decision with a little push, not just from the goodness of his own heart, but you have to admit, a little bit of a push from the party bosses.”

Axelrod responded, “He concluded that this was a — the party bosses were reflecting the consensus of the American people who made a judgment. But Scott, there are so many Republicans who I talk to who are overlooking far more than this, and they’ll tell you that, about Donald Trump. That is really the story of the Republican Party right now. … I don’t think you’re on — you’re not on a strong footing here in making this argument.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart July 24th 2024