Bar Complaint Filed Against Kevin Morris for Financially Aiding Hunter Biden

biden morris
NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images, Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

America First Legal on Tuesday filed a California bar complaint against Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Kevin Morris, for allegedly violating “both the text of the Rules of Professional Conduct and the well-established norms of the legal profession” of the California Bar Association.

Morris, Hunter’s so-called “sugar brother,” recently emerged as a main character in the House impeachment inquiry’s probe into the Biden family:

  • Morris controls his client’s ten percent stake in a Chinese state-backed fund, BHR Partners, Just the News reported in October, confirming Breitbart News’ exclusive report in April.
  • Morris paid Hunter’s IRS debts and reportedly let him a total of 4.9 million for housing, car payments, and legal fees.

Morris’ financial aid to Hunter “is expressly prohibited by State Bar of California Rule 1.8.5(a),” America First Legal’s complaint contends. The rule is “intended to prevent the abuses which were criminalized under the principles of champerty and maintenance,” the legal defense fund argued.

“Yet Mr. Morris now appears to be representing Hunter Biden, thus risking violation of the attorney-client relationship prescribed by the Rules,” the organization stated. “Ongoing funding of Biden by Mr. Morris now that such a relationship has been established would constitute a violation of Rule 1.8.5 especially when third parties state that Mr. Morris has been serving ‘foremost as [Hunter Biden’s] lawyer.'”

Hunter admitted Morris gave him money and that the latter is a friend.

bar complaint filed against kevin morris for financially aiding hunter biden

Kevin Morris, who is also Hunter Biden’s attorney, attends his “White Man’s Problem” book release party on June 3, 2014 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty)

“I don’t know where I would be if not for Kevin,” Hunter Biden recently the told Los Angeles Times. “And I don’t mean just because he has loaned me money to survive this onslaught, I mean because he has given me back my dignity. He’s been a brother to me.”

“He’s a fighter, he is fearless,” Hunter said, noting Morris’ alleged loyalty to him. “But it’s with the knowledge that no matter what, that I know that if I need him and most likely before I even know that I need him, he will be there and likewise me with him.”

House investigators announced a probe into the Biden family in November 2022. They later revealed Joe Biden received money from James and Hunter Biden. They also showed that nine additional Biden family members received payments from the family’s foreign business ventures, including two of Joe Biden’s grandchildren.

More evidence against Joe Biden can be found here and here.

Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Authored by Wendell Husebø via Breitbart January 16th 2024