Barr: Trump Can’t Win Nationally — ‘He Is a Three-Time Loser’

Former Attorney General Bill Barr said Wednesday on CNN’s “The Source” that former President Donald Trump could not win the 2024 presidential race.

Anchor Kaitlan Collins asked, “Trump is surging in the polls. We don’t know yet the effect that this indictment or potential trials could have on it but right now he is miles ahead of his other challengers. You served in the Bush administration. You served for Trump. You’re a life-long Republican. What does it say about the Republican Party that he is doing so well right now in the polls?”

Barr said, “Actually, I think a lot of those polls are misleading. I think before the indictment by Bragg, he was hemorrhaging support. His numbers were dropping very quickly, and DeSantis was going up very quickly. Then the Bragg indictment hit, which was a political hit job, and that seems to have changed the dynamics for a while. But I think that same underlying dynamic is there. I saw a poll today saying that 46% of people who say they are for Trump now are willing to change.”

Collins said, “You’re speaking out a lot. Not a lot, but you make your decision to come and do interviews like you’re doing this one here tonight. Is that so trying to make sure Trump is not the nominee?”

Barr said, “Yes because I think the Republican Party is a great opportunity. When you look at our states like Florida, Georgia, Virginia, we have conservative governors who are winning substantial victories, broadening the party, bringing people in. I think that can be done on the national level by any of our candidates, but Trump. Trump has already shown that he cannot forge that kind of decisive victory at the national level. He is a three-time loser, and I think he will clearly lose again on the national level.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart August 2nd 2023