Behar: MAGA Republicans ‘in Sync’ with ‘Most Evil Person in the World’ Putin

Joy Behar told her co-hosts Wednesday on ABC’s  “The View” that MAGA Republicans were “in sync” with “the most evil person in the world,” referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg said, “My point is if there’s improprieties, do the legal thing take it to court and make it show us what it is. It’s not enough to say, well, so-and-so said this is what it it is. No, they wanted to find out what did the last guy do? Here’s all the stuff he did. If there’s stuff they’re saying, not you, but if there are things that people are saying that the White House did that are illegal, then prove it.”

Behar said, “The people of this country need to know the Republicans are on the same page as Vladimir Putin who said, ‘Everything that is happening with Trump is a persecution of a political rival for political reasons.’ That is exactly what the Republican, the MAGA wing, of course, of the RepublicanParty is saying. They are in sync with Vladimir Putin, who is the most evil person in the world right now.”

Goldberg said, “Well, some say. I feel like there’s a whole bunch of evil people in the world right now, and it’s hard to tell who’s who.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart September 13th 2023