Once again, Hillary Clinton appears to have flagrantly violated federal law and faced no consequences for her actions, according to an inadvertent admission from a new biography of President Joe Biden.
The book, Franklin Foer’s The Last Politician: Inside Joe Biden’s White House and the Struggle for America’s Future,” casts an otherwise rosy glow on Biden’s catastrophic tenure—perhaps as part of a last-ditch bid to rehab the flailing president’s popular support and legacy while making it appear as though his scripted policymaking has been carefully studied and scrutinized.
But according to a report from the Associated Press on some of the key takeaways from it, the book reveals how Clinton, the former secretary of State under Barack Obama, took an active role in attempting to help Afghan women flee the Taliban after Biden’s botched military withdrawal plan went awry.
Her efforts to assist the female refugees at first appeared noble—in particular due to the fact that they seemed so selflessly removed from Clinton’s thirst for money, power and acclaim.
“She directed a group of them to wear white scarfs [sic] so they could be identified by U.S. Marines guarding the Kabul airport, and unilaterally contacted world leaders to find places for their eventual evacuation flights to land,” the AP reported.
However, Clinton’s decision to “unilaterally contact” world leaders as a civilian also put her in direct violation of the Logan Act.
The act prohibits any U.S. citizen “who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government… in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States…”
Its punishment includes up to three years in prison, as well as a hefty fine.
Specifically, after reaching out directly, without authorization, to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy about the prospect of taking in Afghan refugees, Clinton drew a rebuke from her own former campaign policy adviser, Jake Sullivan.
According to Foer’s book, Sullivan—who is currently the Biden administration’s national security adviser—told her “What are you doing calling the Ukrainian government?”
Clinton, in turn, responded, “I wouldn’t have to call if you guys would.”
While the stunning violation of protocol is likely to go unpunished by the Biden administration, it is easy to imagine the many ways that Clinton’s outreach to Zelenskyy might have undermined delicate negotiations already in progress over the likelihood of what would soon be a full-scale Russian invasion.
Sullivan had undoubtedly been deeply involved, at that point, in laying the scaffolding for the proxy war—an extension of the CIA-backed color-revolution that began in the country during Obama’s presidency.
Apart from any unspoken obligations the U.S. may have to aid in the country’s defense, the Biden administration’s peculiar interest in Ukraine spans an array of possible motives—from money-laundering to child-trafficking to blackmail to helping globalist oligarchs like BlackRock and George Soros to use the country as their sandbox for the Great Reset.
Notwithstanding, it is clear that Clinton was the last person they wanted in the middle of those diplomatic discussions.
Clinton, meanwhile, joined her own successor as secretary of State, John Kerry, in having egregiously violated the 1799 law.
Kerry controversially inserted himself into foreign policy negotiations with Iran during the Trump administration, even having the chutzpah to tell the rogue regime that it should wait out Trump’s presidential term before taking any rash steps.
He was not prosecuted for his actions.
Ironically, the person closest to being prosecuted under the Logan Act may have been Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn.
Members of the Clinton campaign team and the Obama intelligence community collectively strategized on how to ensnare Flynn in a legal trap after having illegally unmasked him for unsolicited phone calls he had received from a Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.
After Obama imposed sanctions against Russia for its alleged interference in the 2016 election, Kislyak sought—and received—Flynn’s assurances that the Trump administration would not continue with his predecessor’s policy.
On Jan. 5, 2017, top Obama team members, including his top spies, seditiously plotted to use the Logan Act as the pretense to open a secret investigation into the incoming administration, giving them the ability to wiretap Trump and his top deputies, based on the false pretense—which they knew to be false at the time—that Trump was colluding with Russia.
Shortly thereafter, FBI agents, led by Peter Strzok, interviewed Flynn in his office and snared him in a perjury trap for failing to remember the exact details of his conversations with Kislyak—which, unbeknownst to Flynn, they had been given a transcript of.
The transcript of the calls was later leaked to the Washington Post for the purpose of embarassing the new administration, and it ltimately was what triggered the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate the Russia-collusion hoax.
Fittingly, Jake Sullivan was deeply involved in both Kerry’s operation as “lead negotiator” in Iran, and in Clinton cover-ups such as her e-mail scandal and Benghazi cover-up.
He also testified against Flynn during a House Oversight investigation of the Russia hoax—which he, himself, had helped to concoct and spread.
Sullivan claimed before Congress that Flynn had “absolutely” colluded with the Russians in violation of the Logan Act.
“lf l went out right now and started telling foreign officials, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll avoid some action the current government is taking,’ that would be a violation of the Logan Act,” Sullivan testified in response to a question from then ranking minority member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.
“And I think what Flynn did here—I mean, I’m not an attorney, but just on the face of what the purpose of this act is, what he did ran directly contrary to it,” he added.
Other highlights from Foer’s Biden biography:
Biden reportedly was angered when contronted by Chinese president Xi Jinping about the rumors of U.S.-backed bioweapons facilities in Ukraine, telling Xi: “You know better than that, this is crap. Stop mouthing nonsense Russian talking points: I know you know that, so give me a break,” the Daily Caller reported.
Despite having spent four decades as a political elite, Biden was resentful of Barack Obama’s Ivy League education and claimed he couldn’t even curse properly, the AP reported, saying Obama was unable to deliver a “f—- you” with “the right elongation of vowels and the necessary hardness of consonants; it was how they must curse in the ivory tower.”
Vice President Kamala Harris damaged her rapport with Biden by initially asking to be in charge of relations with Scandinavia because it was “away from the spotlight.” Biden, in turn, bestowed on her the “thankless” job of uncovering the “root cause” of immigration at the U.S. border.
Biden has privately admitted to feeling “tired” despite denying publicly that he is unfit to lead due to his advanced age.
Ben Sellers is the editor of Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/realbensellers.