
Biden Co-Chair: People Will Vote for Biden Because They Don’t Want Tax Increases

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Inside Politics,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX) said that she believes that once the voters see a contrast between 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, “they won’t want to see tax increases that a Trump economy will bring or catastrophic job losses that a Trump economy will bring.”

Escobar stated, “[W]e’ve known from the beginning that this was going to be a tough election. The country is really divided. We’re seeing that. I see that, on a daily basis, in Congress. I see that in communities across the country, which is why we are investing and going to people where they are. This is a long game. Obviously, we’ve only got about four-and-a-half months left until Election Day. This debate, this Thursday, is going to be an important component of that. There will be a second debate, and there’s a lot more campaigning ahead. And I have faith in the American people that they will see that contrast, that they won’t want to see tax increases that a Trump economy will bring or catastrophic job losses that a Trump economy will bring.”

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via June 25th 2024